jdodson gives this a solid "Rad" on the Ghost Scale
This is fun, with very few issues, and is well worth your time.
jdodson gives this a "Rad" on the Ghost Scale
This is fun, with very few issues, and is well worth your time.
Travis let me know about an idle clicker game I haven't heard of before called Egg, Inc. and since I like clicker games I decided to give it a shot. As with many clicker / idle games Egg, Inc. has you amassing a ton of eggs to sell on your egg farm and it starts out fairly simply. You have a modest egg farm making a few thousand to where I am now with a farm making Septillions of dollars. One huge upside to playing Egg, Inc. is that you learn what the names of high number counts are which is kind of a neat thing to know. One other cool aspect of Egg, Inc. is that it will draw you back to play each second of your life away until you are a soulless husk that only wants to see more and more chickens create ever more eggs to sell to finally make it to that next egg stage to only see yourself prestige (start over with bonuses) and do it all over again.

Egg, Inc. is a fun game which is wildly addictive and extremely charming. Which makes it kinda the best part of these kind of phone games but it's already wearing on me a bit making me wonder how much more time Iā€™ll spend playing it?

Only the chicken lords know for sure but until they let me know you can play Egg, Inc. on and Android or iOS device right now for free.

Travis   Admin wrote on 10/25/2018 at 08:49pm

Man I dunno what it is about this one but Iā€™m sooo incredibly hooked. I donā€™t like clicker games. Thankfully for the most part you level out of needing to tap the button to hatch chickens or else I probably would have moved on long ago.

Iā€™m currently making decillions per second on my Infinity egg farm and there are a few eggs to go. Some people have been casually playing this thing for two years and still havenā€™t gotten to the last one.

I think this one is going to keep my interest somehow.

Azurephile   Super Member wrote on 10/26/2018 at 02:35am

I don't believe I've played a clicker game, but I'm aware of Clicker Heroes and Clicker Heroes 2. Have you tried those games? The first is free, I might check it out sometime.

jdodson   Admin   Post Author wrote on 10/26/2018 at 03:15am

> Iā€™m currently making decillions per second on my Infinity egg farm and there are a few eggs to go. Some people have been casually playing this thing for two years and still havenā€™t gotten to the last one.

Wow, that's an incredible amount of focus.

jdodson   Admin   Post Author wrote on 10/26/2018 at 03:15am

I don't think I have Greg.

Azurephile   Super Member wrote on 10/26/2018 at 04:37am

What exactly is a clicker game? One that you just click stuff often? I think I understand the concept.

jdodson   Admin   Post Author wrote on 10/26/2018 at 05:11am

Itā€™s a game where a big part of it, at least for a time is clicking to collect a resource.

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