Hey everybody! Thanks for playing Tale of the White Wyvern and reading this game update, we’ve been working on a bunch of quality of life updates to the game as well as getting ready for Portland Retro Game Expo. As such there is a lot to share and we’d love to get your input on it all so let’s dive in!
Wyvern Balancing: Significantly changed the 5th Wyvern fight balancing and how the fight operates. The fight is much more fair to players that don't dual class. 🐉
PvP Update: You can now attack players one level below you in the fields. We’ve also Increased the cost of staying in the Inn to a graduated scale that is roughly the amount of gold you find from 3 forest fights at your current level. The Inn protections stay the same.
One piece of feedback we were hearing from players is that they wanted more opportunities to engage in PvP. Also, the Inn protections are so good it was discouraging people from attacking. We think that Inn protections as is are something we want to keep but we thought we could make changes to the fields to encourage more PvP. The goal of increasing the cost of gold to stay at the Inn and broadening the levels you can fight in the fields increases the distinction between the Inn VS the fields and gives the choice more weight.
Player List Update: Change (L)ist Players to (P)layers Online in the menu for clarity and consistency. We now have two selections in the Players Online section in Active Players and Full Player List. Active players is the new top most selection showing you people that have played in the last week. Full player list lists all players.
In game Gold Transfers: You can now transfer gold to other players in the bank. The amount of gold you can transfer depends on the player receiving it and the scale is graduated based on their level. You can effectively transfer the gold the receiver would acquire by fighting 5 times at their level in the forest. Right now you can ONLY send and receive one gold transfer per in-game day.
Portland Retro Game Expo: Added the Portland Retro Game Expo in-game event. Players that join the game during that time will be a fun bonus to daily forest fights.
What’s Next and the Post Endgame
October 18th - 20th Cheerful Ghost will be hanging out at Portland Retro Game Expo at our booth #611. Beyond that we are working on an upcoming in-game event called The Pumpkin Festival which runs October 23rd - November 2nd and will not only provide some daily in-game rewards but also an entirely new Pumpkin Festival square to hang out in and enjoy the festivities. In terms of new features we have finished the concept of another all new area that should add some fun new gameplay that we can’t wait for you to try.
Oh, one more thing… Many players are coming around to kill the Wyvern for the 5th time and not only does that unlock the final chapter in the Tome of Lore but also awards the player the Wyvernslayer title. We’re not going to talk about all the updates to the endgame here but from a high level we still consider the 5th Wyvern kill to be the proper Wyvern story end. With that we are adding another 5 Wyvern fights to the mix and adding more opportunity for people to unlock even more incredible titles! Wyvern power wise we will scale the 6th-10th fights like the 1st-5th. We don’t feel having each Wyvern fight after the 5th be as hard would be very much fun. There are a few more changes to the post endgame that we’ll talk about in a future post that we think will give the game even more replay-ability so stay tuned!
Wyvern Balancing: Significantly changed the 5th Wyvern fight balancing and how the fight operates. The fight is much more fair to players that don't dual class. 🐉
PvP Update: You can now attack players one level below you in the fields. We’ve also Increased the cost of staying in the Inn to a graduated scale that is roughly the amount of gold you find from 3 forest fights at your current level. The Inn protections stay the same.
One piece of feedback we were hearing from players is that they wanted more opportunities to engage in PvP. Also, the Inn protections are so good it was discouraging people from attacking. We think that Inn protections as is are something we want to keep but we thought we could make changes to the fields to encourage more PvP. The goal of increasing the cost of gold to stay at the Inn and broadening the levels you can fight in the fields increases the distinction between the Inn VS the fields and gives the choice more weight.
Player List Update: Change (L)ist Players to (P)layers Online in the menu for clarity and consistency. We now have two selections in the Players Online section in Active Players and Full Player List. Active players is the new top most selection showing you people that have played in the last week. Full player list lists all players.
In game Gold Transfers: You can now transfer gold to other players in the bank. The amount of gold you can transfer depends on the player receiving it and the scale is graduated based on their level. You can effectively transfer the gold the receiver would acquire by fighting 5 times at their level in the forest. Right now you can ONLY send and receive one gold transfer per in-game day.
Portland Retro Game Expo: Added the Portland Retro Game Expo in-game event. Players that join the game during that time will be a fun bonus to daily forest fights.
What’s Next and the Post Endgame
October 18th - 20th Cheerful Ghost will be hanging out at Portland Retro Game Expo at our booth #611. Beyond that we are working on an upcoming in-game event called The Pumpkin Festival which runs October 23rd - November 2nd and will not only provide some daily in-game rewards but also an entirely new Pumpkin Festival square to hang out in and enjoy the festivities. In terms of new features we have finished the concept of another all new area that should add some fun new gameplay that we can’t wait for you to try.
Oh, one more thing… Many players are coming around to kill the Wyvern for the 5th time and not only does that unlock the final chapter in the Tome of Lore but also awards the player the Wyvernslayer title. We’re not going to talk about all the updates to the endgame here but from a high level we still consider the 5th Wyvern kill to be the proper Wyvern story end. With that we are adding another 5 Wyvern fights to the mix and adding more opportunity for people to unlock even more incredible titles! Wyvern power wise we will scale the 6th-10th fights like the 1st-5th. We don’t feel having each Wyvern fight after the 5th be as hard would be very much fun. There are a few more changes to the post endgame that we’ll talk about in a future post that we think will give the game even more replay-ability so stay tuned!

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You can dual class?
> You can dual class?
YES! In the Tavern you can speak to the Bartender and one of the things you can do is choose a new class! One recommendation is that if you are a Rogue or Warrior you have got your new skill point so you are not mid skill gain and dual class losing out on it.
I have no idea what you are saying in the recommendation, but I didn’t know you could dual class.
Wait, more changes? What do you mean this wasn't a perfect game from the start? I'm so disappointed! LOL j/k
I really don't know about doing dual class, I haven't tried it. I don't really want to either. I feel like spending all of my gems on my skill is definitely worth it. I probably wouldn't have killed the wyvern last time if I hadn't done so, I had just enough (D)isappear skill points to win that fight. Although I'm sure some kind of balance between classes and skills would also be efficient.
Personally, I want LESS PVP, not more. I'd love to see some kind of bonus for those of us (or at least me) who don't participate in the PVP aspect of the game. Although, I think it's kind of fair that this isn't the case. I just have no interest in PVP.
It's already difficult to afford a room at the Inn in lower levels, but I guess saving your money for that instead of buying a weapon, armor, and a hat would resolve that issue.
Good job with the Wyvern kill updating. I have one more kill to discover the last lore. I was worrying about what I'd do when I finished, like there wouldn't be much point in playing after that. So, you've resolved that. :)
> Personally, I want LESS PVP, not more. I'd love to see some kind of bonus for those of us (or at least me) who don't participate in the PVP aspect of the game. Although, I think it's kind of fair that this isn't the case. I just have no interest in PVP.
Sounds good. We plan on running more games that don't allow people to play PvP. The main game will and we want to get it right and not be too annoying if you don't want to PvP.
> It's already difficult to afford a room at the Inn in lower levels, but I guess saving your money for that instead of buying a weapon, armor, and a hat would resolve that issue.
Yeah, at level one staying at the Inn is still the same price which was fairly high. After that it wasn't a big deal and at very high levels it was so cheap as to be not really a cost at all. Now the cost is effectively the gold you'd get during three forest fights which is graduated to each level. So not a ton of gold, but graduated more at higher levels.
That said, let me know how it feels as to know how it plays works out in practice can take a few days to feel out.
> Good job with the Wyvern kill updating. I have one more kill to discover the last lore. I was worrying about what I'd do when I finished, like there wouldn't be much point in playing after that. So, you've resolved that. :)
Travis and I have talked a bit about extending the game and we have some fun stuff cooked up I think you'll like. I know I will.
Turn Helga's into a brothel. LOL
Anyway, thanks for the game, guys, and the work you've been putting into it.
Oh man, the 5th Wyvern is HARD. And I like that a lot!
Duel classing has been great for me. This time around, i have 4 Rogue Disappears and 4 Warrior Screams. I'm currently a rogue, so more gems mean more disappears. Even with that, I need to significantly upgrade my gear! I bet I'll be playing the 5th Wyvern most of the rest of the week as I save up gold lol.
I'm really enjoying the changes that are being made, and can't wait to see how you expand it out!
And it's not so much "duel classing," but rather changing your class and not losing what you've learned with the previous class (you do lose 1 skill point though)
Thanks for the info Adam!
Wait, changing classes doesn't just make it like you'd started at level 1 with that class? I never had interest in changing my class mid-run as I'm no quitter, but this new information complicates/excites things. Hrm.
Since i'm dead and can't tell everyone in the Inn, i'll drop the note here.
I just pushed a patch so hats effect the interest level in the bank. For instance wearing the Golden Yellow Hat would set your Bank interest rate to 7%.
I don't see interest rate raises on any hats. Am I missing something?
The hat has to have an effect that would impact it. So all the hats that increase gold gain will impact the bank interest level.
Oh, ok, so not all hats. Even still, the ones that gain gold don't tell you this new fact. That might be helpful to know in-game at the shop. Although I only use hats that increase my strength and defense.
They now say "+5% gold gain" instead of "gold find" I know it's not a full explanation and i'll think about how to work that into the instructions. Good suggestion, thanks GregoPeck!