Doom is a legendary game series that started the shooter genre that continues quite strong into 2019. Doom 2 was the glorious follow up that added a bunch of new levels, the double barreled shotgun and a ton of other new features. Doom 2 became my go to shooter in the mid 90's and one I still come back to and play now. Doom 2 is still being ported to any system where it might sell and this year iD Software brought it to the Switch alongside Doom and Doom 3. LGR recently released a Doom 2 retrospective that's an incredible overview of the game as well as its importance in video game history. If you are looking to murder a few minutes with a nostalgia blast to the face this is well worth the time.

"Doom 2: Hell on Earth. Released by id Software and GT Interactive on October 10th, 1994! Looking back at the history of its release, its new monsters, and that fantastically super shotgun."

Will_Ball   Game Mod   Super Member wrote on 11/07/2019 at 06:16pm

Poor Sandy Petersen.

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