I picked up The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap in box on Game Boy Advance a year ago and it's in my backlog of games to play. Right now i'm playing Final Fantasy IV on GBA and plan to get to Minish Cap afterward. That said, I recently enjoyed this video review of Minish Cap by Hungry Goriya and if you haven't played the game or want to relive some of the magic you should clickly clack that video play button.
Now that the Link's Awakening remake is solidly out to quite high reviews i'm curious what game Nintendo might remake? I think a Minish Cap remake would be incredible and if that's off the table then a best-of collection of Gameboy and Advance games might be in order.
"The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap for the Game Boy Advance (GBA) is a lovely new take on Hyrule. The story and gameplay are excellent, but with too many things to do and a very linear plot that wasn't always intuitive to advance in, this game didn't come close to topping anything at the top of my Zelda favourites. 🍖"
Now that the Link's Awakening remake is solidly out to quite high reviews i'm curious what game Nintendo might remake? I think a Minish Cap remake would be incredible and if that's off the table then a best-of collection of Gameboy and Advance games might be in order.
"The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap for the Game Boy Advance (GBA) is a lovely new take on Hyrule. The story and gameplay are excellent, but with too many things to do and a very linear plot that wasn't always intuitive to advance in, this game didn't come close to topping anything at the top of my Zelda favourites. 🍖"