The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap
by Nintendo
Developed by Nintendo
The Analogue Pocket is out now and seems to be getting universally high praise. Pretty impressive considering they have a slate of updates coming to the system next year. I thought Valveās Steam Deck would launch sooner but Iām happy to see Analogue beat them to the Holiday rush. Originally I wasnāt going to pick this up but the retro community reviews are so glowing I wonder?

I picked up The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap in box on Game Boy Advance a year ago and it's in my backlog of games to play. Right now i'm playing Final Fantasy IV on GBA and plan to get to Minish Cap afterward. That said, I recently enjoyed this video review of Minish Cap by Hungry Goriya and if you haven't played the game or want to relive some of the magic you should clickly clack that video play button.
Now that the Link's Awakening remake is solidly out to quite high reviews i'm curious what game Nintendo might remake? I think a Minish Cap remake would be incredible and if that's off the table then a best-of collection of Gameboy and Advance games might be in...
Now that the Link's Awakening remake is solidly out to quite high reviews i'm curious what game Nintendo might remake? I think a Minish Cap remake would be incredible and if that's off the table then a best-of collection of Gameboy and Advance games might be in...

The Summer Games Done Quick 2019 charity speedrun thatās benefiting Doctors Without Borders is happening now. It will be running all week 24/7 with runners playing everything from Aero the Acrobat to Zelda!
Games Done Quick is a highlight of the year in gaming so if you have some time head over and check the schedule to watch a run. Also consider donating because Doctors Without Borders, a fantastic charity worthy of your support!
Games Done Quick is a highlight of the year in gaming so if you have some time head over and check the schedule to watch a run. Also consider donating because Doctors Without Borders, a fantastic charity worthy of your support!

Thank you to everyone that stopped by to visit the Cheerful Ghost Booth or played in one of our game tournaments. The Portland Retro Game Expo is my favorite convention and everyone who comes out makes it awesome. I also want to thank Adam Farnsworth for working the booth with me this weekend!
The Winners of This Years Cheerful Ghost Tournaments!
Super Mario Bros. on NES Speed run to Bowser's axe on World 1-4
David Harrison (The Winter Soldier) won this with a blistering time of 2:03.20! Seriously time yourself and stop when you hit Bowsers axe at the end of 1-4. Now do it when people are watching. Good luck!
Mario Paint...
The Winners of This Years Cheerful Ghost Tournaments!
Super Mario Bros. on NES Speed run to Bowser's axe on World 1-4
David Harrison (The Winter Soldier) won this with a blistering time of 2:03.20! Seriously time yourself and stop when you hit Bowsers axe at the end of 1-4. Now do it when people are watching. Good luck!
Mario Paint...

The Legend of Zelda The Minish Cap is a notoriously overlooked Zelda game and I recently watch a review by Mike Matei from Cinemassacre about it. Minish Cap is the Zelda title created specifically for the Gameboy Advance and one that, to date, I haven't played. As I pick up the backlog of retro games that I missed and want to complete, Minish Cap is one of the games that pop to the top of my list. Wondering if anyone has played this one and if so what you think of it?
