Thank you to everyone that stopped by to visit the Cheerful Ghost Booth or played in one of our game tournaments. The Portland Retro Game Expo is my favorite convention and everyone who comes out makes it awesome. I also want to thank Adam Farnsworth for working the booth with me this weekend!
The Winners of This Years Cheerful Ghost Tournaments!
Super Mario Bros. on NES Speed run to Bowser's axe on World 1-4
David Harrison (The Winter Soldier) won this with a blistering time of 2:03.20! Seriously time yourself and stop when you hit Bowsers axe at the end of 1-4. Now do it when people are watching. Good luck!
Mario Paint for SNES Highest level & Lowest Score in 3 lives
Jacob & Robaire tied this one up and both took home some cereal! One theme we were going for this year was retro peripheral games. We got a lot of comments about your could run a Mario Paint tournament and we were up to the task!
F-Zero on SNES Fastest time on F-Zero Knight League / Mute City
The Real Samurai Goroh won this with a lightning fast 2 ' 03 " 16. I learned a few things about pathing this track to run it as fast as possible and The Real Samurai Goroh was a great runner to learn from!
Wild Gunman for NES Highest score in Gang Mode with one life
Unfortunately we had technical difficulties and had to cancel this tournament due to the zapper not properly working with a flatscreen CRT. It only registered the shots 80% of the time which isn't great for a tournament. Wanted to thank everyone that came out anyway!
My 2018 Gaming Pickups!
Recently I purchased a used Wii U (expect an upcoming review) and because of that I wanted to pad my Wii U collection with as much great stuff as possible. I also have a fun retro game backlog of titles I want to buy so my list this year was a mashup of a handful of Wii U stuff, Gameboy Advance and NES.
Wii U Pro Controller, Wii Classic Controller, Mega Man 2 NES, Mario Bros NES, Minish Cap in Box, Super Mario 3D World, Wind Waker HD, Mighty No. 9, Nintendo Power (29, 50, 58, 70, 107), PRGE 2018 Shirt & Poster. I also picked up a classic NES Zapper thinking my zapper was broken but turns out the TV we used wasn't lightgun friendly. Pro tip kids, don't use a flatscreen CRT for old lightgun games!
Our Live Cheerful Ghost Radio Podcast From The Expo Floor!
Adam and I also recorded a special short episode of Cheerful Ghost Radio live from the Cheerful Ghost Booth Sunday before the convention started. It was a fun show and there are some fun bits I didn't recap here you should listen to the episode for. If you like what you hear in this episode you should subscribe to Cheerful Ghost Radio in whatever podcast client you use!
If you came out for PRGE 2018 and stopped by the booth or played in one of our tournaments i'd love to hear from you and what your thoughts were of the expo! Also curious what you picked up and anything fun you experienced while you were there!
You can view our entire photo album from PRGE 2018 on Facebook and Imgur.
The Winners of This Years Cheerful Ghost Tournaments!
Super Mario Bros. on NES Speed run to Bowser's axe on World 1-4
David Harrison (The Winter Soldier) won this with a blistering time of 2:03.20! Seriously time yourself and stop when you hit Bowsers axe at the end of 1-4. Now do it when people are watching. Good luck!
Mario Paint for SNES Highest level & Lowest Score in 3 lives
Jacob & Robaire tied this one up and both took home some cereal! One theme we were going for this year was retro peripheral games. We got a lot of comments about your could run a Mario Paint tournament and we were up to the task!
F-Zero on SNES Fastest time on F-Zero Knight League / Mute City
The Real Samurai Goroh won this with a lightning fast 2 ' 03 " 16. I learned a few things about pathing this track to run it as fast as possible and The Real Samurai Goroh was a great runner to learn from!
Wild Gunman for NES Highest score in Gang Mode with one life
Unfortunately we had technical difficulties and had to cancel this tournament due to the zapper not properly working with a flatscreen CRT. It only registered the shots 80% of the time which isn't great for a tournament. Wanted to thank everyone that came out anyway!
My 2018 Gaming Pickups!
Recently I purchased a used Wii U (expect an upcoming review) and because of that I wanted to pad my Wii U collection with as much great stuff as possible. I also have a fun retro game backlog of titles I want to buy so my list this year was a mashup of a handful of Wii U stuff, Gameboy Advance and NES.
Wii U Pro Controller, Wii Classic Controller, Mega Man 2 NES, Mario Bros NES, Minish Cap in Box, Super Mario 3D World, Wind Waker HD, Mighty No. 9, Nintendo Power (29, 50, 58, 70, 107), PRGE 2018 Shirt & Poster. I also picked up a classic NES Zapper thinking my zapper was broken but turns out the TV we used wasn't lightgun friendly. Pro tip kids, don't use a flatscreen CRT for old lightgun games!
Our Live Cheerful Ghost Radio Podcast From The Expo Floor!
Adam and I also recorded a special short episode of Cheerful Ghost Radio live from the Cheerful Ghost Booth Sunday before the convention started. It was a fun show and there are some fun bits I didn't recap here you should listen to the episode for. If you like what you hear in this episode you should subscribe to Cheerful Ghost Radio in whatever podcast client you use!
If you came out for PRGE 2018 and stopped by the booth or played in one of our tournaments i'd love to hear from you and what your thoughts were of the expo! Also curious what you picked up and anything fun you experienced while you were there!
You can view our entire photo album from PRGE 2018 on Facebook and Imgur.

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I strongly recommend you add Hyrule Warriors to your list of Wii U games to get. It's definitely my favorite! Smash Bros. is a great one to get, too. And yeah, I knew that the zapper doesn't work on modern TVs (aka flat screens). I can't remember how I know that, I just do. LOL
Do you have a Switch? If you don't have one with Breath of the Wild, you can get the game for the Wii U! You should also check out Twilight Princess HD, there's one that comes with a Wolf Link amiibo that works great with BotW. Speaking of amiibos, you should look into collecting them, too. They have a variety of uses, depending on what game you're playing. For instance, the Wolf Link amiibo adds Wolf Link as your companion in BotW. I'm not too sure, but I think you can get Epona by using an amiibo. Other amiibos give random or certain things in the game.
I'll look forward to your Wii U review (hey that rhymes!) and add my "2 cents." Oh, I just remembered Mario Kart 8 is pretty good, too! I never thought the Wii U was a bad system, but it didn't sell as wildly as the Wii.
> I strongly recommend you add Hyrule Warriors to your list of Wii U games to get. It's definitely my favorite!

Done. You've talked about it so much, surprised it's not already there. Which system, 3DS or Wii U?
> And yeah, I knew that the zapper doesn't work on modern TVs (aka flat screens). I can't remember how I know that, I just do. LOL
So we used a flat CRT screen so the shots registered most of the time. It's just that 20% didn't so it made for a terrible tournament game
> Do you have a Switch? If you don't have one with Breath of the Wild, you can get the game for the Wii U!
Not yet, but I plan on getting one for Christmas and want to save getting Breath of the Wild for the Switch.
> You should also check out Twilight Princess HD
It's totally on my Wii U pickups list. I didn't see it at the expo or i'd have bought it.
> I'll look forward to your Wii U review (hey that rhymes!) and add my "2 cents." Oh, I just remembered Mario Kart 8 is pretty good, too! I never thought the Wii U was a bad system, but it didn't sell as wildly as the Wii.
There are a lot of games I want to get ONLY on the Switch that are available for both systems. Breath of the Wild, Mario Kart 8, New Super Mario Bros Wii U & Luigi U. Sometimes I don't mind having dupes on multiple systems but in the case of the Wii U and Switch i'd rather get the Switch version. I'm focusing on Wii UI games you can't get anywhere else but the Wii U.
It was a lot of fun! I am after all Marvel games (including bad and meh games), so I picked up a bunch of Marvel games. I also got Altered Beast for the Genesis, Donkey Konga 2 and Donkey Kong Jungle Beat for the GameCube and finally Q-Bert and Mickey Mousecapade for the NES.
As always I was overwhelmed by the number of vendors and goods on the expo floor, but it was still a lot of fun.
The best panels IMHO were the ones done by Ben Heckendorn. He is a really good speaker.
The biggest meh of the expo was the Intellivision Amico. They did not have any actual hardware or games to show, but announced a 10-10-2020 release date. The price point of $149 - $179 seems under-priced for the hardware that they want to ship. Plus I am not a fan of digital only games. I was not impressed and walked out of the talk.
On the other hand, I was really impressed with the CollectorVision Phoenix ( Not only did they have a working console there, they had actual games running on the thing. This FPGA console will run CollecoVision and Atari 2600 games. They mentioned that the code will be open source so people will be able to expand on it. It was a really impressive piece of hardware.
I haven't tried Hyrule Warriors on the 3DS, but I know that it only works well on the "New 3DS," not the model before that.
I didn't realize so many games were for both systems and I think Hyrule Warriors is among them. I wouldn't really recommend getting duplicates either.
I just realized there's only a 4-hundredths of a second difference in the winning time of SMB AND F-Zero :)
I am surprised I didn’t get special mention as fastest to game over!