Doom Eternal's launch date of March 20th is fast approaching and as such certain media outlets are covering it before launch. Digital Foundry got a peek at the game for a few hours and interviewed the folks at iD about the game.

"As well as sitting down for *three hours* to play the upcoming Doom Eternal, Digital Foundry's John Linneman also had the opportunity to discuss the new id Tech 7 engine upgrades with Doom Eternal executive producer and id software studio director, Marty Stratton. From engine upgrades to ray tracing to Switch to next-gen consoles, there's a ton of new info in this one."

Azurephile   Super Member wrote on 02/08/2020 at 02:31am

Cool video. I feel like this game is hyped or at least it is in my mind. It may be a high expectation that I feel, but that's because Doom (2016) was so good and this one seems to be doing even more of it better. I feel like this will most certainly be an awesome game. Although, I'm still not sure when I'll get the game, assuming that I do.

jdodson   Admin   Post Author wrote on 02/08/2020 at 11:35pm

iD is trying to sell the game for sure. What I think is clear is that if you loved Doom 2016 this looks like a much improved version so I don't think fans will be disappointed. With that, I'm not sure I'll get it at launch and if folks haven't played 2016 that game is incredible and it's also pretty cheap too.

Azurephile   Super Member wrote on 02/09/2020 at 12:18am

Yeah, I totally agree. And one amazing thing I've found out is also that Doom 2016 can run very well on even "budget" PC builds. So, it doesn't require a beast. I haven't really paid attention to Eternal's system requirements, but I bet it's quite similar in that way. Also, to me, one of the most notable pieces that came up in this video was "optimization." A game that's properly and greatly optimized can run very well.

Travis   Admin wrote on 02/12/2020 at 10:51pm

No, my old PC ran it pretty dang well with only a few graphical sacrifices in the settings. It's so well optimized, especially with the vulkan renderer.

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