If you are looking for more Halloween gaming fun you can get Blair Witch & the recent Ghostbusters Remastered for free on PC on the Epic store until November 5th! Happy to see this Ghostbusters game get a proper remastering as it's the last thing to feature the voice talent of all four original Ghostbusters before Harold Ramis passed.


Azurephile   Super Member wrote on 11/03/2020 at 07:09am

Thanks for the tip! More free games to add to my EGS library, that I still haven't touched. I mean, I've claimed a lot of free games and haven't even installed the EGS launcher, so I haven't played any of them yet. I do have a wish list there, but I prefer games to be on Steam. I also noticed that the EGS wish list is limited to a certain amount of items.

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