The story revolves around a family, which happens to be related to Ego Spangler, one of the original Ghostbusters. They have inherited a house he lived in and his grandchildren find things he left behind, including Ecto-1!!! We get to see a scene of them going on a joy ride with it, but we also later see them using it while ghostbusting. Ghosts have returned to this town, including some familiar ones from the...
There's a new trailer for Ghostbusters: Afterlife and it looks awesome! It seems like it's been a long time since we've heard or seen anything about this movie, so it's very refreshing to see a new trailer out now. the movie releases Thanksgiving of this year.
The story revolves around a family, which happens to be related to Ego Spangler, one of the original Ghostbusters. They have inherited a house he lived in and his grandchildren find things he left behind, including Ecto-1!!! We get to see a scene of them going on a joy ride with it, but we also later see them using it while ghostbusting. Ghosts have returned to this town, including some familiar ones from the...
The story revolves around a family, which happens to be related to Ego Spangler, one of the original Ghostbusters. They have inherited a house he lived in and his grandchildren find things he left behind, including Ecto-1!!! We get to see a scene of them going on a joy ride with it, but we also later see them using it while ghostbusting. Ghosts have returned to this town, including some familiar ones from the...
If you are looking for more Halloween gaming fun you can get Blair Witch & the recent Ghostbusters Remastered for free on PC on the Epic store until November 5th! Happy to see this Ghostbusters game get a proper remastering as it's the last thing to feature the voice talent of all four original Ghostbusters before Harold Ramis passed.
YouTube sensation MichaelBtheGameGenie drops a timely review of Ghostbusters on Sega Genesis. This is a great review of the Ghostbusters Sega Genesis game but is also a good reason to post anything Halloween related.
This looks really, really fun. I can't wait to see it!
I wasn't much of a Ghostbusters fan growing up, but of course I appriciate the cultural phenomenon it was.
I hope the Ghostbusters Theme is somewhere, even in the end credits!
Looks great! Grew up on the Ghostbusters. Love all the movies, and watched some of the cartoon.
Jason Reitman trailer commentary here:
I finally saw this maybe a couple of months ago and really enjoyed it! My complaint was that we didn't hear enough of Ecto-1's sirens. I think the CG at the end was well done.
I finally just saw it last week and loved it!
Fun movie. Glad Jason got to work with Ivan on it before he passed away.
> Glad Jason got to work with Ivan on it before he passed away.