Mikey Neumann is a popular YouTuber and video game writer on such hits as Brothers in Arms, Borderlands & Co-writer on Borderlands 2. His YouTube channel Movies with Mikey typically covers films yet at times he takes a peek at games and in his latest video goes deep on the history of Mario. Have Mario retrospectives been done before? Yep, but if you want something a bit more personal and more light hearted this is a must watch.
"Time to throw some turtle shells and turn up—This MARIOS with Mikey episode gives you the origin story of one of the most iconic characters in all pop culture, from Italian plumber to international icon."
"Time to throw some turtle shells and turn up—This MARIOS with Mikey episode gives you the origin story of one of the most iconic characters in all pop culture, from Italian plumber to international icon."

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Oh good! I was going to send this link a couple days ago but I didn't get around to it. This is definitely a must watch for Mario fans and video game fans in general (so, like, folks who are reading this).