With the passage of September 15th we will see an end to the Cheerful Ghost Borderlands 2 Haiku Contest. We have been very pleased with the results and have had fun reading and voting on your entries! Please get all your friends to vote and your submissions in by Sept. 15th @ 4p EST.
You can read over the original post here:
Someone asked for some clarification on the rules for entry. Specifically if we would allow someone to win if the Haiku was not properly formatted. After conferring with the other judge on this contest and reading the original wording we have decided that we will allow a improperly formatted Haiku to win this time. With our next contest we will be much more explicit about this in the future. The original wording of the post compelled people to craft a Haiku appropriately but it was not an explicit requirement.
The contest is still anyone's game as there is 6 days left to go.
That said, we will not accept multiple user account votes. I have noticed that some users have created duplicate accounts and voted on their own Haiku. According to the rules, each duplicate vote(even if it looks like its from a different account, but its actually you) will not be counted.
Here are all the entries so far, please look over them and vote on the one you like the most in the comments section of the Haiku post with a "+1." Remember, you can only vote for one.
Maju: http://cheerfulghost.com/Maju/posts/543
POP3D: http://cheerfulghost.com/POP3D/posts/531
XeSpace52: http://cheerfulghost.com/XeSpace52/posts/529
RadaR: http://cheerfulghost.com/RadaR/posts/518
vdogmr25: http://cheerfulghost.com/vdogmr25/posts/511
WittyAdrian: http://cheerfulghost.com/WittyAdrian/posts/510
Dark_Dragon: http://cheerfulghost.com/Dark_Dragon/posts/507
Adym: http://cheerfulghost.com/Adym/posts/504
Kurrus: http://cheerfulghost.com/Kurrus/posts/503
Axel_Miller: http://cheerfulghost.com/Axel_Mller/posts/502
Shierzhi: http://cheerfulghost.com/Shierzhi/posts/499
Jacob_Richardson: http://cheerfulghost.com/Jacob_Richardson/posts/495
Jason_C: http://cheerfulghost.com/Jason_C/posts/494
Journ: http://cheerfulghost.com/Journ/posts/490
Reginald_Coop: http://cheerfulghost.com/Reginald_Coop/posts/489
Joshua_Aerni: http://cheerfulghost.com/Joshua_Aerni/posts/488
hardeyez: http://cheerfulghost.com/hardeyez/posts/487
Brav: http://cheerfulghost.com/Brav/posts/552
Jermatoo: http://cheerfulghost.com/Jermatoo/posts/551
If I didn't include you Haiku in the list above, let me know and I will add it!
You can read over the original post here:
Someone asked for some clarification on the rules for entry. Specifically if we would allow someone to win if the Haiku was not properly formatted. After conferring with the other judge on this contest and reading the original wording we have decided that we will allow a improperly formatted Haiku to win this time. With our next contest we will be much more explicit about this in the future. The original wording of the post compelled people to craft a Haiku appropriately but it was not an explicit requirement.
The contest is still anyone's game as there is 6 days left to go.
That said, we will not accept multiple user account votes. I have noticed that some users have created duplicate accounts and voted on their own Haiku. According to the rules, each duplicate vote(even if it looks like its from a different account, but its actually you) will not be counted.
Here are all the entries so far, please look over them and vote on the one you like the most in the comments section of the Haiku post with a "+1." Remember, you can only vote for one.
Maju: http://cheerfulghost.com/Maju/posts/543
POP3D: http://cheerfulghost.com/POP3D/posts/531
XeSpace52: http://cheerfulghost.com/XeSpace52/posts/529
RadaR: http://cheerfulghost.com/RadaR/posts/518
vdogmr25: http://cheerfulghost.com/vdogmr25/posts/511
WittyAdrian: http://cheerfulghost.com/WittyAdrian/posts/510
Dark_Dragon: http://cheerfulghost.com/Dark_Dragon/posts/507
Adym: http://cheerfulghost.com/Adym/posts/504
Kurrus: http://cheerfulghost.com/Kurrus/posts/503
Axel_Miller: http://cheerfulghost.com/Axel_Mller/posts/502
Shierzhi: http://cheerfulghost.com/Shierzhi/posts/499
Jacob_Richardson: http://cheerfulghost.com/Jacob_Richardson/posts/495
Jason_C: http://cheerfulghost.com/Jason_C/posts/494
Journ: http://cheerfulghost.com/Journ/posts/490
Reginald_Coop: http://cheerfulghost.com/Reginald_Coop/posts/489
Joshua_Aerni: http://cheerfulghost.com/Joshua_Aerni/posts/488
hardeyez: http://cheerfulghost.com/hardeyez/posts/487
Brav: http://cheerfulghost.com/Brav/posts/552
Jermatoo: http://cheerfulghost.com/Jermatoo/posts/551
If I didn't include you Haiku in the list above, let me know and I will add it!

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By 4P I assume you mean 4 PM?