I was chatting with @panickedthumb on Steam yesterday and he had a pretty cool idea. We were talking about the recent interviews I have been giving and he wondered if if would be good to interview the users of Cheerful Ghost itself? I hadn't considered that before and decided that is something I wanted to do.
I want to interview you all, the topics all swirling around gaming and you. Ill contact people one at a time and hopefully make my way through everybody. I am not going to go in any particular order and don't worry, I will get to you soon :D
Thanks to @panickedthumb for the idea and expect to see some interviews with CG users soon.
I want to interview you all, the topics all swirling around gaming and you. Ill contact people one at a time and hopefully make my way through everybody. I am not going to go in any particular order and don't worry, I will get to you soon :D
Thanks to @panickedthumb for the idea and expect to see some interviews with CG users soon.

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Sounds like a lot of fun. I look forward to it. :D
Glad you liked the idea, looking forward to it!