According to a recent Tweet by iD's John Carmack it looks like the Rage modding tools will be released really soon. Interested in seeing how this breathes some life back into Rage. I was really excited about this game and it would be awesome to see what the community can do with this.
I think one of the best parts of Rage was the split-screen co-op "Legends of the Wasteland." I also really liked the death match car combat as well. To the end of the game it got a bit stale, but overall I rather enjoyed Rage.
I think one of the best parts of Rage was the split-screen co-op "Legends of the Wasteland." I also really liked the death match car combat as well. To the end of the game it got a bit stale, but overall I rather enjoyed Rage.

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Whoa... really? This may be too little too late. Most people have abandoned this. I'll probably dust it off though, if one can dust off a digital game.
The bits are so stale we need to warm them!
Do you have it for PC or PS3?
I'd be up for some people doing cool shit with this. I'm a Rage apologist.
I am too. On both counts. Did you play it on PC or console Gary?
PC. It came at the exact right time. I was in the mood for a semi intelligent shooter.
That makes sense.
I am a iD fan, so I was extremely excited about Rage. I kind of had a roller coaster of experiences with it. My first experience was on PC and it was incredible. The first half of the game is really great. But I switched to PS3 when my copy arrive and had a bad go of it all as Rage was hard as hell with the controller(for me). Plus the load times and I died a lot made the game way less fun.
Went back to the PC version after WAY too much un comfort with the console version and had more fun. I came to the half way point and the story and pacing really changed I felt. It was less story driven and it started to lose me a bit.
That said, I still come back and co-op legends of the wasteland with my friends and will complete Rage single player at some point. The is also very pretty. Really pretty on PC.
The halfway point of Rage is about 80% through the game, unfortunately. I was seriously blindsided by the ending. That's my main complaint.
I just beat Rage. Will write my full bit on it. Interesting ending.