Blizzard just dropped the release date Starcraft 2: Heart of the Swarm! I actually mark game release dates on my calendar and March 12, 2013 will be no different.
This release is a bit different from past Blizzard releases as they are not only releasing a physical collectors edition but also a digital deluxe version to include:
Digital Deluxe:
Collectors Edition:
Since Warcraft 3 I have picked up the collectors for Blizzard games. I tear through the book, soundtrack and videos over the weeks after release so the added stuff isn't lost on me. It seems that Blizzard is forgoing the typical USB drive with the previous games in favor of a mousepad. A good idea as I already have a USB drive from the Starcraft 2 collectors.
Did you play Starcraft 2, if so will you pick this up? Which version are you thinking about getting?
It seems Heart of the Swarm is for pre-order on the Blizzard site for $39.99 and the digital deluxe is $59.99. So it seems this normal digital version is priced a bit lower, perhaps priced as an expansion?
This release is a bit different from past Blizzard releases as they are not only releasing a physical collectors edition but also a digital deluxe version to include:
Digital Deluxe:
- Heart of the Swarm for PC and Mac
- Torrasque Ultralisk skin, 3 Portraits, and 3 decals in Starcraft II
- A Baneling pet in World of Warcraft
- Blade Wings & Banner Sigil in Diablo III
Collectors Edition:
- Heart of the Swarm for PC and Mac
- Torrasque Ultralisk skin, 3 Portraits, and 3 decals in Starcraft II
- A Baneling pet in World of Warcraft
- Blade Wings & Banner Sigil in Diablo III
- Heart of the Swarm Art Book
- Zerg Rush Mouse Pad
- Behind the scenes BluRay/DVD
- Collectors Edition Soundtrack
Since Warcraft 3 I have picked up the collectors for Blizzard games. I tear through the book, soundtrack and videos over the weeks after release so the added stuff isn't lost on me. It seems that Blizzard is forgoing the typical USB drive with the previous games in favor of a mousepad. A good idea as I already have a USB drive from the Starcraft 2 collectors.
Did you play Starcraft 2, if so will you pick this up? Which version are you thinking about getting?
It seems Heart of the Swarm is for pre-order on the Blizzard site for $39.99 and the digital deluxe is $59.99. So it seems this normal digital version is priced a bit lower, perhaps priced as an expansion?

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I'm kinda surprised the Collectors edition doesn't have Wings of Liberty.
Thats a good idea but I imagine a mousepad is cheaper to include.
Did you get the original Wings of Liberty?
Nope, still haven't picked it up. I might do that between now and Heart of the Swarm.
I would really like to try star craft 2. I've been interested in getting it since it first came out but never had the extra cash to buy it. I enjoy rts games so I feel like if I learned to play I could really get into it.
If you do let me know so we can skirmish with bots. SC2 is really fun with bots. Otherwise its just fail city population me.
BR: Starcraft 2 is a VERY well polished and extremely well done RTS. In many ways its a recreation of the original Starcraft with polished graphics updated for the modern pro-circuit.
The single player is VERY well done and the multi-player p0wns entire countries.