Bethesda's Elder Scrolls Online Team recently released a story from the ESO Universe. This one focuses on Jorunn the Skald-King:
Some awesome people released Portal for the TI Calculator. Video linked above. Nab the code for your TI:;sa=view;down=841
THQ stock jumped 40% after its latest Humble Bundle went live:
Some have noted the Wii U is better for Indie Games. Great even:
Crysis 3 specs were recently released. Its as if millions of PC's cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced:
Some awesome people released Portal for the TI Calculator. Video linked above. Nab the code for your TI:;sa=view;down=841
THQ stock jumped 40% after its latest Humble Bundle went live:
Some have noted the Wii U is better for Indie Games. Great even:
Crysis 3 specs were recently released. Its as if millions of PC's cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced:

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Hey, I think I might be able to pull off Crysis 3 at almost recommended!
Awesome! You must have some awesome hardware!
Not really. I think it's mostly that I got a video card recently. It wasn't even the best or anything, just a $125 NVIDIA that was significantly better than the ATI I was running.
Also, Portal on the TI looks surprisingly functional.
Yeah, it really does. That TI font... Reminds me of college.
Well...I know what I will be spending my math class doing now.