Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft

Released on August 6, 2014 by Blizzard

Developed by Blizzard

Sheathe your sword, draw your deck, and get ready for Hearthstone - the fast paced strategy card game that's easy to learn and massively fun. Start a free game on Battle.net and play your cards to sling spells, summon creatures, and command the heroes of Warcraft in duels of epic strategy.


Nard's Yogg-Tempo Mage

  • 2 x Sorcerer's Apprentice

  • 2 x Mirror Image

  • 2 x Frostbolt

  • 2 x Mana Wyrm

  • 2 x Arcane Intellect

  • 2 x Arcane Missiles

  • 2 x Polymorph

  • 2 x Flamewaker

  • 2 x Spellslinger

  • 2 x Arcane Blast

  • 2 x Forgotten Torch

  • 2 x Ethereal Conjurer

  • 2 x Cabalist's Tome

  • 1 x Yogg-Saron, Hope's End

  • 2 x Cult Sorcerer

  • 1 x Arcane Giant

I put this one together and then looked at some other lists, I've modified my list, gone back to my list, modified and modified.

I've gotten in 150-200 games in the last few days with versions of this. I'm only averaging 60% win with it. Gone from rank 10-7. I've never hit... Read All

This week Blizzard released The Opera wing for the latest Hearthstone expansion One Night In Karazhan. One interesting card I've been waiting to play was also released this week called Moat Lurker. Moat Lurker is a very unique card in that its Battlecry is that it destroys a minion and it's deathrattle is that it re-summons it. On first blush this might seem like a very silly mechanic because why would you want to destroy a minion if it would just come back later? As it turns out this enables some very interesting game-play as you can use this to remove an enemy minion and then silence Moat Lurker OR you can destroy your own minion such as Sylvanas Windrunner to... Read All

So, not sure if you use the Tracker or not, but it's great for a UI and tracking your deck list. Tracking wins/losses with decks, and many little features (yogg or Cthun counters).

But now, look at this: https://hsreplay.net/replay/sBmYNgueZftsZHvazfTmjR

It can keep your matches AND it's not the normal game you'd view, it's a digital recreation. BUT IT LETS YOU SEE YOUR OPP!!!!

The Purify Effect

Blizzard released the latest adventure for Hearthstone this week on the heels of a pretty large community mishap. There are nine playable classes in Hearthstone and the Priest class has been suffering for quite some time in terms of it being competitive. There are no high ranking Priest decks being played and the general community feeling is the class is very underpowered compared to the others. As blizzard was releasing the information on the new adventure cards the community reacted very strongly to a new Priest card many felt was the worst card in Hearthstone, Purify. I'll link to the card below with a video Kripparian made that discusses the card.... Read All

It seems the rumors of the new Hearthstone Adventure being in Karazhan were true as Blizzard announced the upcoming adventure "One Night in Karazhan" to the audience at ChinaJoy. One Night in Karazhan will feature 4 new wings you can unlock for 700 gold or buy the whole adventure for $20. As you can see from the trailer above, One Night in Karazhan has a very cool disco party vibe that looks like it pulls many influences from Disneys Beauty and the Beast as well as the John Travolta's disco classic Saturday Night Fever. After the darker tone of Whispers of the Old Gods us getting a more silly party styled adventure seems like a nice change.

As with all Hearthstone... Read All

There have been rumblings in the Hearthstone community of a new adventure for the last couple weeks. In the video linked above Disguised Toast makes a pretty good case for the new adventure being themed after the World of Warcraft area Karazhan and might also be focused on the Mage class. I've been saving up my gold and have enough for 4 adventure wings and a almost have enough to open another 20 packs. Not sure if I want to open Classic or Whispers of the Old Gods packs but i'm sure either choice would be a good one. With that, today Blizzard has sent out an announcement of an event on July 28th @ 11pm that will unveil the new adventure streaming on Twitch. The... Read All

Today Blizzard dropped a new Hearthstone update that added a cool new Shaman hero, Morgl The Oracle. Morgl is available to earn in game if you refer a friend to Hearthsone and they make it to level 20. After you earn Morgl and have more friends sign up you can get a free pack for four more friends.

It's a cool new system and the new hero looks really fun so if you have been thinking about trying Hearthstone hit the link below and you will get an extra free pack when you sign up!


You can read the full set of patch notes below:

... Read All

If you're like me you play Hearthstone but are free to play or don't spend much therefore you don't have every card. This means you need to work within a constrained gold(what you earn from dailies) and dust budget. This isn't too bad, but at times can seem like you don't have options to play with fun decks but recently I've found two decks that are really good and can be created fairly easily. The first decknis called "Disneyland Warrior" and is featured in the Kripparian video above. It's essentially a Zoo deck that only contains Warrior commons. Like many Zoo decks, this decks works becase you can keep pumping out cheap minions on curve to win. It's one of the only... Read All

Recently my partner and I had a kid so I haven't had as much time to game as I usually do. That said, Hearthstone is a good game to play if you only have one hand free when the other one is consoling your crying baby. Sometimes I have to put the phone down for a second to readjust my hold with him but if I am sitting on the couch it works out really well. I'm also a Hearthstone free to play player so like many, I don't have every card available to me but enjoy playing constructed and like trying out the new meta decks. One such deck to emerge post Whispers of the Old Gods is Warlock Burst Zoo. Warlock has always been great with Zoo but it's stepped up a bit after WoTG... Read All

A little more than a year ago Blizzard released Hearthstone on smartphones and that hooked me. Up till that point Hearthstone didn't really interest me but something about playing it on my phone made the experience magical. Naxxramas, Blackrock Mountain and Goblins VS Gnomes were the only released adventures and expansions then and I spent most of my time collecting gold and learning how to play. I had no idea what to do with the gold I had but I figured i'd save it until I knew what best to spend it on. I didn't even create any decks when I started because I had no idea what was good. So I just played causal matches with no deck and I lost a lot. During that time I... Read All