"Amazon Lumberyard is a free, cross-platform, 3D game engine for you to create the highest-quality games, connect your games to the vast compute and storage of the AWS Cloud, and engage fans on Twitch.

You can use Amazon Lumberyard to build rich and engaging games with the highest ceiling of quality through its comprehensive and proven toolset, and runtime performance that has been highly optimized over many years. With Lumberyard, you get a full-featured editor, native code performance, stunning visuals, and hundreds of other features like performant networking, character and animation editors, particle editor, cloth physics, UI editor, audio tools, weather effects,... Read All

One of the benefits of PC gaming is that you can keep playing your games long after you’ve upgraded your system. Often times gamer communities keep amazing old games running well beyond their original shelf life as seen with the Red Alert CnCNet project and Forgotten Empires. For certain game classics such as Wind Waker, Age of Empires 2 and Age of Mythology we even get an HD makeover that ports the game to modern systems along with a visual refresh. We usually don’t expect these old games to get a full blown expansion 14 years later but recently SkyBox Labs in partnership with Microsoft and Forgotten Empires recently did this and released a full expansion to Age of... Read All

EA is giving away Need For Speed Most Wanted right now on Origin. You can grab the game by hitting the link below and claiming your copy. As with all the Origin on the house games, this is available for a limited time so if you want it, get it soon.


"Why are we naturally drawn to horrible, ugly game worlds? Well, it turns out there are plenty of philosophical theories that help to explain the phenomenon. In this week’s episode, Jamin breaks down our love affair with despair."

As someone that really enjoys post apocalyptia I can say safely that yes, my heart does indeed love partaking in horrible, blown out wasteland worlds... that is until I actually spend time in a desert then I don't because it's hot as hell there.

The Demons of the new Doom title will infest Mars base on PC, PS4 and XBone on May 13th. In a trailer that is both disturbing and a bit crazy I can say that I am both excited and bit perplexed. I don't mind gore at all, I own Quentin Tarantino and Ridley Scott movies. That said, this trailer is so over the top as to run up against a bit of puzzlement in my mind. I mean at one point in the trailer you smash a human eye socket into a terminal with a sort of discarded detachment that makes me wonder if the player is actually... human? Regardless of all of that, I will be picking up the new Doom and giving it a go as the single player does look good and the Snap Map... Read All

Insomniac Games recently announced a new title they're releasing this summer "Song of the Deep". I really enjoy almost every Insomniac release (especially Ratchet and Clank) so I follow them closely and now I'm eagerly awaiting this "Metroidvania-style underwater adventure"

Announcement: http://www.insomniacgames.com/announcing-song-deep/

One of the biggest problems in Hearthstone has been new players starting the game. There are a ton of cards to get and because of that, it's very daunting for new players. Changes are coming that should address this and create an entirely new game mode that should shake up the base game for the better.

There is so much here, I am going to clip out most of it to discuss.

"You’ll play Standard using a deck built solely from a pool of cards that were released in the current and previous calendar year, along with a core foundation of the Basic and Classic card sets (which will always be valid for Standard). You’ll be matched against other players who are also using Standard... Read All

File this under "completely nerdy stuff no one may care about" but I've thought it would be interesting to post some of our website statistics for a month. This isn't to wreck privacy or anything, mostly to get a snapshot of the average Cheerful Ghost patron. For instance, did you know what the most popular web browsers Cheerful Ghost users use?

Well, now you do.

These statistics were from December 2015.


  • Each user hit 1.64 pages per session*

  • The average user session duration is about 1 minute and 49 seconds

  • The percentage of totally new users/sessions is 64.17% which means we have more new people looking around than site regulars

  • The top browser languages in order... Read All

Azurephile gives this an astounding "Must Play" on the Ghost Scale
This achieves something special, and it would be a shame to miss it.
Azurephile gives this a "Must Play" on the Ghost Scale
This achieves something special, and it would be a shame to miss it.

  • Recommended +1

  • The most popular Final Fantasy game now on Steam

  • Updated HD graphics, achievements, optimizations, and a Character Booster
Final Fantasy VII is undoubtedly the most popular game in the Final Fantasy series. While it is a greatly epic game, it's actually not my ultimate favorite of the series. That honor goes to FFVIII, which was the first in the series I played and fell in love with.

After being introduced to FFVIII, and therefore the FF series, I decided to play FFVII once I finished with VIII. I played both games many years ago on the original Playstation. Unlike, VIII, I've only played through VII a few times. I believe I finished it at least... Read All

Azurephile gives this an astounding "Must Play" on the Ghost Scale
This achieves something special, and it would be a shame to miss it.
Azurephile gives this a "Must Play" on the Ghost Scale
This achieves something special, and it would be a shame to miss it.

  • Recommended +1

  • Updated graphics

  • Achievements, cheat tool, and Chocobo World
*Note this post was written before the Remastered version, so it's about the first Steam game, not the second*

It was about 15-17 years ago that I was introduced to Final Fantasy VIII, which was my introduction to the Final Fantasy series. It's kind of hard to believe it was that long ago, but since then I've come to love Final Fantasy games. FFVIII is definitely my favorite among them, I immediately fell in love with nearly everything about it including the characters, stories, side quests, music, and more.

The Junction system is one of the main things that sets this game apart from the... Read All