The most important information from this trailer is seeing that the movie release date has been moved from May to April!
**The comments are going to be full of speculation (at least by me lol). I don't know what will be spoilers or not***
I'm a little underwhelmed by the title, but that's only because of all the endless speculation on what it might be.
Watch the trailer and let's discuss theories in the comments!
**The comments are going to be full of speculation (at least by me lol). I don't know what will be spoilers or not***
I'm a little underwhelmed by the title, but that's only because of all the endless speculation on what it might be.
Watch the trailer and let's discuss theories in the comments!

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Doctor Strange was right, we’re in the endgame now!
I'm guessing Captain America's plan isn't going to work (possibly time jumping through the Quantum Realm with Ant-Man?). "Because I don't know what I'm going to do if it doesn't" probably will lead to a sacrifice that he has to make to save everyone else.
Also, when Tony is making his recording for Pepper, he says the word "rescue," which there's speculation could be Pepper's hero name with her own suit :)
This does make me wonder how Scott got out. I was kinda assuming someone from the Avengers would get him out but they seem to be surprised that he’s alive.
Someone posted a comic that all Scott would need to do is get small, fly into Thanos’s butt, and get big again and we’d be done. So... I doubt they’re going that direction.
Obviously Scott taps his heels together and says "There's no place like home."
The THANOSRECTUMANUVER needs to be a thing. Travis, why are you not a Hollywood writer?
Also, someone said at the end of Ant Man there are two dust clouds and that The Wasp wasn't directly shown to be dusted therefore she might not be? Could be a fun surprise that she is in Endgame.
Also makes sense they are gonna push back this movie, it's huge and they had a year to finish it.
Ah that's an interesting detail if Wasp is still out there. But then I bet Scott was pissed that she just left him in the quantum realm!
She might not have.
I guess tone doesn't do well over text, or I'm bad at telling jokes. The way they left it seemed like he was totally stranded, and I was riffing on that, poorly apparently.
Lol Travis :)
But I just watched to post credit scene again and there's clearly 3 dust clouds.
I need to stop listening to people. I remember someone saying there were two and I believed them w/o checking. Sorry guys.
Hawkeye is going to kick some ass!
Captain Marvel coming out in March and this in April seems too close together. They should have spaced them out better.
I love that they'll be practically back to back. The next Spiderman movie is coming out soon after too. GIVE ME ALL THE MARVELS
Another wild speculation:
Cassie (Ant-Man's daughter) isn't dusted, and somehow she finds the van and is able to pull him out of the Quantum realm. He and Cassie then drive cross-country to Avengers HQ, but no one is there. They do find Shuri and Hawkeye and form the Secret Avengers. Then there's a time jump, a new bad guy shows up to earth and Captain America and Scarlet Witch try to fight him "This will work because I don't know what else we'd do," lose, then find out that Ant-Man is still alive from the archive footage, then track him down, finding Hawkeye/Ronin and the rest of the Secret Avengers.
I'm not sure how Stark fits into this though.
> They do find Shuri
I think she was dusted as she shows up in the trailer as someone they lost. But that might be a red-herring?
> I'm not sure how Stark fits into this though.
Stark just floats in space all movie and is emo.
*First five minutes fade from black*
Stark: “Hey pepper floating in space oxygen and food gone. All I think about is you. Rescue.”
5 minutes later he asphyxiates and as the lights go out an oxygen mask drops from the ceiling.
*Smash cut to opening crawl*
LOL to both of you :)
I believe the Russo brothers (or someone else close to the movie) confirmed that Shuri survived the snap, but we now know that they lie about upcoming movies occasionally, so who knows lol. In the trailer it looks like Scott Lang, Peter and Shuri are listed as "missing." I think they're all unaccounted for and probably assumed dusted, but not confirmed.
Between her missing and claims that she's still alive, that's where I'm guessing she has gone underground with other former Avengers.
Did Howard The Duck make the cut, or is he dust? Maybe he shows up in this one.
Oh man, I hope he's there!!
Howard is the linchpin.
Howard is Thanos.