The first trailer to Black Widow is out!
I'm still a little worried that this will suffer a similar fate as Rogue One and Solo for (prequels where we know the ultimate outcome, thus making the stakes for the main character not as high, because ultimately they live), but I am more excited for this than I thought I would be.
Maybe because I'm in the middle of a Winter Soldier rewatch (as I'm rewatching it, I honestly wonder if I ever actually saw it? It feels like the first time I'm seeing scenes in it lol), but I'm just lately getting into Nat's character. Endgame was sad for her, but wasn't *that* sad to me, but I bet next time I watch Endgame, it'll hit even harder after watching Black Widow.
Enjoy the trailer! It has Hopper in it!
I'm still a little worried that this will suffer a similar fate as Rogue One and Solo for (prequels where we know the ultimate outcome, thus making the stakes for the main character not as high, because ultimately they live), but I am more excited for this than I thought I would be.
Maybe because I'm in the middle of a Winter Soldier rewatch (as I'm rewatching it, I honestly wonder if I ever actually saw it? It feels like the first time I'm seeing scenes in it lol), but I'm just lately getting into Nat's character. Endgame was sad for her, but wasn't *that* sad to me, but I bet next time I watch Endgame, it'll hit even harder after watching Black Widow.
Enjoy the trailer! It has Hopper in it!

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Awesome! The only thing that's always bothered me about Black Widow is that I always thought she was from Russia (or the area), but she doesn't have a fitting accent. The other characters in the trailer from her past do, I wonder if that ever gets explained.
There is the Endgame question, too. Didn't Cap return the soul stone? If so, does that mean Nat comes back? Maybe Tony's sacrifice brought her back. Although, she could be "back" but only in an alternate timeline. Maybe some of the characters she reunites with return in later movies and (Disney+) shows.
Thanks for sharing the trailer! I recently got caught up w/ the MCU movies and have been watching a YouTube channel called New Rockstars, which analyzes these movies (and more like Star Wars, I wrote a post about it in the forums).
New Rockstars is one of my absolute favorites! Another channel I recommend is Emergency Awesome :)
I give this trailer four spiders! 🕷🕷🕷🕷
Also. Is David Harbor the Russian equivalent of Captain America? PLEASE BE REAL
Yes! He is!
Greg this takes place after Winter Soldier, so well before she died. Thus Adam talking about it being a prequel where you know the character’s eventual outcome.
I’ve always just assumed that she’s a super spy so she has to blend. Actual Russian spies lived in the US in the 70s and 80s and spoke with a perfect American accent so they could blend in.
Yeah, when it takes place wasn't a question. I expected it to take place then, probably because of New Rockstars. As for the accent, good point, Travis.
"I’ve always just assumed that she’s a super spy so she has to blend. Actual Russian spies lived in the US in the 70s and 80s and spoke with a perfect American accent so they could blend in."
Travis seems to know a lot about this. Hmmm
I watched The Americans then read about the real stuff it was based on.
And that paragraph that starts with “there is the endgame question too” made it seem like you thought she was alive after endgame
I realize that for sure, Travis. I was just speculating on a "what if" post-Endgame thought. I think it was New Rockstars that said it should take place just after Civil War. This was before the trailer was released. I guess the question of this movie is, why? Why are they showing us this? Does it some how connect to past or future MCU movies and/or Disney+ shows? Or does it just fill out the character, letting us get to know her better. Maybe I'm looking too deep into it.
Yeah, Jon, well yeah, Adam did kind of put a spoiler in the post, so I've kind of gone with the assumption that all of us here have seen Endgame. I think you're joking, though, it's hard to be sure. LOL Still, I'm glad I just recently watched Endgame. Although, I knew of Tony's fate before I watched it, I some how caught a spoiler, but that didn't make it any less dramatic, I just didn't know how it happened or when.
What if everything about Black Widow taking place in the past turns out to be only the first half of the movie, with the second half being in the MCU present day, with Belova fighting as a good guy? Perhaps Nat captures Taskmaster, but somehow he escapes in the present day, and Belova is recruited by Fury to hunt him down?
All characters will be played by skrulls.