I geek out over superhero movies, and this camera test just dropped for The Batman.
I didn't think we needed another Batman movie... but we probably always will lol.
This is very simple, but looks so rad!
I didn't think we needed another Batman movie... but we probably always will lol.
This is very simple, but looks so rad!

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It kinda has a Daredevil Vibe to it!
Today I learned i'm way less interested in the new Batman movie than I was.
Good to know. 🤣
I wasn't really interested when I found out about who would be the next Batman, but I do like this video. I like the music as well. From what I've read, it seems Penguin, Catwoman, and the Riddler will be in the new movie. I think we've seen enough of those characters, but perhaps we've also had enough Batman movies. I guess we'll see how it goes.
He definitely has the jawline for it.
I'm very hopeful for this. Ignore the Twilight stuff and Pattinson is pretty good at what he does. Now that the DC movies are kinda uncoupling and they're shying away from the shared universe formula, things seem to be getting better. I mean... The Joker, wow. It seems they're taking a hands off approach and letting people make their own takes on things so there's the gamble of quality but that gamble is also pretty exciting. You know what you're getting with a Marvel movie.
the "knife gun" idea. Travis will get it.
I'm always down for a batman movie.