HOLY HYPE, BATMAN (er, Nighthawk?)
Marvel just released a nice look back on the movies that came before, then shows clips of Black Widow and Shang-Chi... Then shows clips from The Eternals! Then goes on to reveal all their Phase 4 movie titles and release dates!
I cannot wait to watch all of these!
Marvel just released a nice look back on the movies that came before, then shows clips of Black Widow and Shang-Chi... Then shows clips from The Eternals! Then goes on to reveal all their Phase 4 movie titles and release dates!
I cannot wait to watch all of these!

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This gets me emotional, looks like I've shed at least a tear. This is so good, it's beyond description! That new Marvel theme music really tugs at my heart, I really love it! Every time I hear it, I get excited, because I know what follows is going to be really awesome! Thanks for sharing! I can't wait to watch all of the new stuff, too! I love Marvel! RIP Stan Lee and Chadwick Boseman. Wakanda Forever!!!! Oh and here's to hoping we see The White Wolf in Black Panther 2.
All leading up to fantastic 4. Hopefully they get Chris Evans back as the human torch.
>All leading up to fantastic 4. Hopefully they get Chris Evans back as the human torch.
Yes!!! And since we'll open up the multi-verse (hopefully, it's expected anyway), maybe this could actually happen. LOL I've only seen him as Torch and Cap and I think he's a good actor. I wonder how they'll deal with the Fantastic Four since we got the two movies w/ Chris Evans and then the one without him. In the latter, he was replaced by the guy who played Killmonger in Black Panther. Also, I noticed Wal-Mart is selling comics and I've hardly read any so I was surprised to see Wolverine among the Fantastic Four on the cover of one of them. Wolverine is definitely one of my most favorite comic book characters (and I wonder who might play him if and when he comes to the MCU).
I hope the bring back Wolverine as X-23. You would get a new wolverine and could leave Jackman's performance untouched for a while longer.
I'm unfortunately not familiar with X-23, there's little in the comic book world I'm familiar with, even though I'm most familiar w/ the X-Men. I remember I had a Ghost Rider comic book and I watched the X-Men animated series when it was on TV. I liked Jackman as Wolverine, but I know he's done w/ it.
X-23 is a female clone of Wolverine. If you saw the movie Logan, she was the girl that he was helping.
Oh, right! I thought that sounded familiar.
I just realized that Richard Madden and Sebastian Stan look a lot alike. I watched that trailer the first time wondering why Bucky shows up in Eternals, but seeing the still frame I can tell that's someone else :D
Yeah I'm looking forward to all of these. I have no idea what to expect from Shang Chi or the Eternals films, and I love that. Marvel needs some variety. I think the reason Thor Ragnarok and Black Panther are my favorites is because they finally felt different.
I completely agree. Same with WandaVision. Hopefully Marvel will continue leaning into that variety.
New Eternals teaser trailer. Stick around for the end of it: https://youtu.be/0WVDKZJkGlY
The Eternals have never interfered... until now.
Thanos? Dude about to wipe out half of life in the universe? SON of an eternal himself? Nah, not our problem we'll wait for something more important. :D
I kid, I'm sure they'll touch on that in the film but it should be interesting. Kinda like how Captain Marvel never showed up for any of the massive alien invasions or anything.
Maybe all of the eternals got wiped out by the snap.
I do wonder why every super hero we didn't see in End Game wasn't there. maybe they were off camera, I don't know, but I would like to see an answer to this.
> The Eternals have never interfered... until now.
And Shang Chi and the folks in Black Widow and …. Modok?
>And Shang Chi and the folks in Black Widow and …. Modok?
Exactly! I saw a New Rockstars video that theorized the Eternals, except for one, weren't aware they were Eternals, because one of them made them forget. Apparently something like this happened in a comic book. It's also possible that the snaps awakened them. As for the others (non-Eternals), I have no idea and would like an explanation.
They are going to explain it like this:
Check out this new Eternals trailer! It gets into the plot of the movie, the acknowledgement of Thanos's actions, why the Eternals weren't around to help, and why they are now fighting. https://youtu.be/x_me3xsvDgk
Can't wait! I already have my Shang-Chi ticket, and I'll be seeing Eternals opening day too! (And Spider-Man! That trailer looks great!)
Sweet! I'm just disappointed that those movies aren't streaming at the same time. I guess it makes sense, maybe they'd make more money by putting them in theaters first. I guess I don't really want to go to the theater, I like watching things in the privacy and solitude of my own room (I really don't like the general population around here in this rural town in VA...deep red, just to say the least).
I love the theater, absolutely adore it, but the way the delta variant is spiking… yeah I’m waiting things out. I work with fully vaxxed people who are coming down with covid and it’s honestly terrifying. It’s irresponsible of Disney not to put them up for streaming at the same time honestly. Or even delay them again if you want. I’m not trying to spread a deadly virus to see a superhero movie
I agree with you Travis. I'm probably not afraid of the delta variant as I should be, because I'm vaxxed, but I'm aware there are vaxxed people still getting sick, though not with a sickness as deadly as the un(or anti-)vaxxed are getting.
A few people I work with who are vaxxed got it, a couple of them felt really bad and one has lingering issues. Crazy times
"Crazy times." I'm afraid that even to say these times are completely insane is nothing but an understatement. I'm not sure I can think of a time when things were ever even close to being this crazy.
I may go to the theater at an off day at an off hour to see the Marvel movies, but I am not going opening weekend.
Head's up, The Eternals has 2 post-credit scenes. I know nothing else, I'm not on Twitter and I avoid spoilers. New Rockstars suggests staying off of Twitter until you see the movie (Erik Voss got invited to the red carpet premier). I'd suggest staying off of Twitter and Facebook, but not just for that reason, I have many others. LOL
I just recently heard spoilers from Vanity Fair have spread to Facebook. Be careful. (How many reasons to leave Facebook? Oh, let me count the ways.....oh looks like I already have. *smile*)
Did anyone else go see Eternals last night? I was expecting a very long line for opening night, so I went super early. It turned out I arrived much earlier than necessary (half an hour before the show starts is too early). I was still surprised later when everyone was in and there weren't very many people there at all. I live in a rural area in VA, so this shouldn't be much of a surprise I suppose, although I seem to remember more people at the Star Wars movies. I also expect to see more next month for Spider-man. If you haven't seen it, be sure to stick around because there are two post-credits scenes.
I enjoyed the movie. Some things happened that I wasn't expecting for sure. I really liked the part where Kit Harrington's character starts to reveal who he is and that he has a "family history."
*Now for spoilers!*
In the second post-credits scene we see him opening a case for the Ebony Blade, which is very special. I'm sure we'll them again as he's greeted by someone. At first I thought it was Jeffrey Wright as The Watcher from What If, but it's actually Mahershala Ali who will be playing Blade in his upcoming movie. He played a major villain Netflix's Luke Cage.
I'm surprised that the multi-verse wasn't addressed in this movie, since that's the direction Marvel seems to be going, perhaps just not all of it. It does certainly seem like we could see an Eternals 2. I remember hearing about how in the comics Eternals can actually be resurrected, so who knows if they're gone for good.
Let me know what you think!
> Did anyone else go see Eternals last night?
Yep. Adam and I both did.
> there weren't very many people there at all
Ours wasn't very full either. At least, it didn't feel full. Might have been we were pretty far up in the theater.
> I also expect to see more next month for Spider-man. If you haven't seen it, be sure to stick around because there are two post-credits scenes.
Spider-man should be pretty great.
Great that you and Adam did! Did you like it? What did you think about it? I was surprised a friend of mine showed up when I did so I got to talk to her and her son and sit next to her.
Audience size is interesting. I'm not sure how to explain this one. I'm just glad there was really no line to wait in.
I think Spider-Man's going to be awesome!
> What did you think about it?
I enjoyed my time in the theater and based on the reviews I read before I went, I wasn't quite expecting that.
That said, it's a Marvel movie but I liked the different tone if a bit serious.
It was a bit twisty, which caught me by surprise. It had moments that I wish didn't happen, but that's not at all a critique on the movie. These thoughts and feelings are just an expected product of what happened. I did remember what I heard on New Rockstars about the Eternals in the comics, so some things might not have really mattered. I could explain more in detail, but I'm afraid it's spoiler territory and I don't know if everyone here is ready for that yet. I'd also like to mention the post-credit scenes. I heard a voice I thought was Jeffery Wright who plays Uatu. It's been confirmed that it was a specific someone else. New Rockstars mentioned the voice sounding like Jeffery Wright, so at least my initial thought wasn't all that crazy.
I enjoyed it. I loved at least most of the characters and I'd love to see them again. I'm not really sure what I expected, but I've been obsessed w/ the MCU, so it'd be really hard to disappoint me. I agree w/ Erik Voss at New Rockstars, though. I think I've enjoyed the Disney+ shows more than the movies we got after they started. It's not that the movies weren't great, but the shows are truly epic and definitely brought out serious emotions for me.
I've clearly been watching New Rockstars all the time! It's helping to feed my MCU obsession, making it much sweeter, more fulfilling, and even more curious.