Awesomenauts fo' life. I love playing this game in my off time. Its a great game to play if your ever feeling a bit bored and want a quick game to make your fun meter go up

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I've been curious about it. It looks like loads of fun.
My brother had it while I was staying with him this summer. It was a good time, especially once I figured out what the hack I was doing. I enjoyed the stealth character.
So is this game a Diablo like? Wait, good is my friend....
From the trailer it looks like a Saturday Morning Cartoon similar to Super Smash Brothers?
Err I meant "Google is my friend" not good...
More like Contra meets DOTA.
Ah ok, sweet.
I just picked this up in the recent bundle and your right BR, this game is very good.
Pickup and play is high and its very fun. WAY more accessible than typical MOBA's too!