Here I am trying to get enough money for the lethal weapons and play with the keyboard instead of a controller. I don't think this mission went well. You can really tell I have limited mobility with the keyboard.

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Huh, video won't load. -
For me it's the other way around, I can totally do better w a keyboard and mouse than a controller. You can plug in the USB Xbox controller into a PC if you find that easier for some games.
Yeah, I am going to fix the twitch embed as it only works in Firefox the right way.
In the next few days all should be better but I don't know when I'll do the embed in a way that will work on all platforms until twitch supports that. Hopefully soon!
Haha, I"m getting better at it. But, it is sucking out the joy from my gaming. Although, I did hit people more often. I guess I'm mostly a controller guy.
Keyboard really has a much higher skill curve than a controller. Once you get better it offers a lot more possibilities than a controller does, at least in my opinion. Keep practicing and you'll get a lot better.
Ok so I changed the twich embed to have the logo be a bit smaller and less whitespace under it.
When Twitch supports embed on all platforms, ill update it. Still nice to see the logo and a straight click through at the top.
Oh and I agree with BR, keep up the keyboard+mouse, its a whole new awesome world. I can understand it feeling really different though, it totally does at first.