Parody of my own game play? What do you do when you don't have enough money for weapons? You kill other players for money. Hooray! Give me 20 dollars.

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Killing others for money? YOU PLAY APB LIKE AN ASSASSIN!
Speaking of, how much money do you make per kill?
Thats cool you can hang out of the car and shoot, I haven't seen that in a game before.
Haha, well, not much, it's like 15 per criminal (for me at least, it goes up if your threat level is higher for killing and completing missions. 15 is near enough for the twenty dollars song.) However, if you arrest them I think it's anywhere between 15 to 1000. I guess you get about 1000 for killing one or arresting one with a threat level of 5 (which means the player has killed at least 5 in a row without dying once).
I love shooting out the windows, it is good stuff.
Thanks for the details, look forward to checking it out. And shooting out the windows!