The Borderlands 2 character skill trees have been posted on the official website. There's even a skill tree calculator you can use. :)
Man, I was already torn between the Soldier and the Gunzerker characters, and now the Assassin and Siren abilities look really cool too!
Man, I was already torn between the Soldier and the Gunzerker characters, and now the Assassin and Siren abilities look really cool too!

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Doesnt seem to work on the iPhone, when I get to my desktop I'll try it out. I was thinking Gunzerker too but I am open based on this.
I will be playing Axton, the commando character. I like the idea of being able to place down a totally destructive turret. The turret enables axton to be support and yet still deal good damage himself. I just like the fun mix of support and dps.
The assassin is the way I'm most interested in. He looks pretty cool.
Woah. What's with the picture? Is that what you see when you open the skilltree? What about being able to see your character in realtime? D:
No it's the skill tree online selector.
Oh. I'm a dummy. Sorry.
Honest mistake.