Here it comes. Borderlands 2. I fully intend to get this day 1, and this time maybe I'll go PS3 since, surprisingly, everyone I know who plays the first one played it on PS3.
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Awesome. Ill be getting this on the PS3 as well.
I'll definitely be getting this on PS3 as well.
I call the Siren-alike (if there is one)
I think I read somewhere there will be a Siren class, it just won't be the same character that was in Borderlands 1.
I am interested in the "Zero" character. I wasn't drawn to the hunter class so hopefully Zero is more interesting(to me, I know some loved the Hunter).
I started out with Roland and then moved to the Siren. She is pretty fun.
Realize I haven't tried Brick at all. Wonder if he is fun to play as.
Ok so I just watched the trailer again for the third time and I have to say I am ready to joy puke my guts out. Can't wait for the extra wub wub!
I just want to see a full minute at least of Claptrap dancing to dubstep.
Hahhaha yeah that would be awesome. Speaking of, I'm playing he claptrap dlc on the ps3 now. So far, it's fun. I liked the intro puppet movie :)
Claptrap is spreading the wub.
Roland is my favorite from the first game. Regening ammo, grenades, and health is pretty awesome.
The claptrap DLC is fun. Tons, in fact. The claptrap army does get really annoying at times when there are like 20 of them on screen.
Yikes! Having issues playing it. Last time I played was online and I was power leveled a lot because I was a lower level. Now I'm getting my butt kicked because my guns are not that great. Derp! :)
I ran into some issues with balancing due to leveling issues. You could go clear out some easy bases to hopefully get some more guns. I think I had to do that for the Claptrap DLC as well. Or maybe the ... I can't remember. The one where it ended in a massive lootfest that you only had a limited amount of time in.
The claptrap mobs are weak to electric based weapons if that helps. Also make sure you snag any Hellfire SMG's you find (I think I've bought all mine), they tear through just about everything.
Awesome, ill do that. I started back the main campaign and have been getting some sweet loot that is helping.