Transistor is a sci-fi themed action RPG that invites players to wield an extraordinary weapon of unknown origin as they fight through a stunning futuristic city.
I've been looking forward to Transistor for a year now, I'm glad to see that it's finally got a release date. You can pick it up May 20 on PSN (Playstation 4 only) or Steam.
Transistor is being developed by Supergiant Games, the creators of the masterpiece and indie darling, Bastion. It looks like a very beautifully styled isometric ARPG, and while we certainly aren't hurting for isometric ARPGs these days, Transistor seems to be bringing some new hotness to the table.
I've been looking forward to Transistor for a year now, I'm glad to see that it's finally got a release date. You can pick it up May 20 on PSN (Playstation 4 only) or Steam.
Transistor is being developed by Supergiant Games, the creators of the masterpiece and indie darling, Bastion. It looks like a very beautifully styled isometric ARPG, and while we certainly aren't hurting for isometric ARPGs these days, Transistor seems to be bringing some new hotness to the table.

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Important to note that the May 20 PSN release is only for Playstation 4. At least next-gen adopters will finally have some love rolling their way.
This is one of my most anticipated games coming out this year. Didn't get the chance to play it at PAX Prime last year, but watching the demos was enough to expect good fun. Can't wait!
Yes, thanks. I'll update my post now.
PS4 only at first huh? That kind of makes sense but I think i'll wait to play it.
I heard Jonathan Blow's The Witness will get the exclusive treatment on Playstation at first too.
That said, the trailer looks great. This may not be popular, but I didn't really get the drawn of Bastion. Transistor looks more to my liking and in a way it looks as if Lightning might be getting a run for his money in the HUGE SWORD department.
"... Lightning might be getting a run for his money in the HUGE SWORD department."
I'm not sure if you're talking about Cloud or Lightning here, since Lightning had a big sword but it was *her* sword, not his.
Uh yeah, Cloud sorry. Sort of never played that one but I know the dude has a fairly big sword.
Wait. Wait wait... You. You never played FF7?
Yeah. At that time I kind of stopped away from gaming for a bit.
*hands Jon a PSX*
Get to it! :D
It's on Steam too. One of the games on the ol' list of shame.
Ah right, I always forget it's there.
It's okay. I missed entire catalogs, because I didn't have much exposure to Sega systems growing up. It was usually Atari or Nintendo under our TV.
Yeah, me too. Because of that I like Sonic but don't love that franchise like others do.