Yes, I actually own this game. All I can say is, watch the Angry Video Game Nerd review it. He's spot on.
(Jon, if you read this, does standard HTML code work for making links? I don't want to try it and break the layout).
(Jon, if you read this, does standard HTML code work for making links? I don't want to try it and break the layout).

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I added a subset of HTML I forgot if links are part of that, I'll check.
Also, I have Bible Adventures AND Spiritual Warfare. Both so awesome!
Ah, I remember this game. I thought it was so cool that it was a blue cartridge!
It's interesting when you find out that the blue carts, the gold ones, and the Tengen cartridges were all different because they were unauthorized.
Im glad they went ahead and put out the games because they were really great additions to game history. I don't mean that in a sort of ironic way, I genuinely liked Spritual Warfare. Its a Zelda knock off but did a lot right and I played it quite a bit. Played Zelda more, but Spritual Warfare makes me laugh and think fondly of the good ol days. Plus playing it made me more confident in my heaven status, or at least at the time anyway. :)
Write about it one of these days. :)
I luckily or unluckily never played any religious games until a couple years ago. I found this at a local game store a few weeks after seeing the AVGN review of it. So, I don't have the rose colored glasses. To be completely honest, my glasses are probably tinted the other way because I'm expecting something funny and bad.
For sure. My parents got it for me as an alternative to.... A non religious game. :)
Haven't played any religious games since. Wonder if people are still making them.
There were the Left Behind games a few years back.
If those were as awesome as the movies... (for the record, I did enjoy all the books, but the movies SUCKED)
Yeah the movies sucked. Can't imagine the video games being much better.... *shudder*
From what I understand they were horrid.
LOL My cousin, George, still owns the game. I remember playing it long ago.
Shockingly enough, this game isn't as bad as the nerd makes it out to be. Yeah, the animals are slippery and some stuff doesn't make sense, but as a kid, I loved this game. Still kind of have fun playing it now.
I have fun playing it in the same way I enjoy watching Plan Nine From Outer Space. It isn't good, but it's fun in an "awww, you're trying" kind of way.
That's how it is for me too, with a bit more "awww, I loved this as a kid" thrown in :D