Bethesda and MachineGames are back with more Wolfenstein! Wolfenstein: The Old Blood is a prequel to last year's absolutely fantastic Wolfenstein: The New Order, and has our hero B.J. Blazkowicz breaking into Castle Wolfenstein to steal coordinates to Deathshead's compound, and trying to stop some recently uncovered artifacts from falling into Nazi hands. Most importantly, he'll be killing Nazis like he does so well.
You can jump back into the action on May 5th. It'll retail for $19.99 and does not require the base game.
There's also going to be a Twitch stream later this week to show off some gameplay.
Check out Bethesda's announcement post for more:
You can jump back into the action on May 5th. It'll retail for $19.99 and does not require the base game.
There's also going to be a Twitch stream later this week to show off some gameplay.
Check out Bethesda's announcement post for more:

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I love that this is a separate game, and not DLC.
Looks like it is going to be two parts.
"Part one of Wolfenstein: The Old Blood – Rudi Jäger and the Den of Wolves — pits BJ Blazkowicz against a maniacal prison warden as he breaks into Castle Wolfenstein in an attempt to steal the coordinates to General Deathshead’s compound. In part two – The Dark Secrets of Helga Von Schabbs – our hero’s search for the coordinates leads him to the city of Wulfburg where an obsessed Nazi archaeologist is exhuming mysterious artifacts that threaten to unleash a dark and ancient power."
Yeah, not sure if that's just like Act 1 and Act 2 of the same game or if it's episodic or what.
Here is some Pax East video of a live streaming session.
Looks like more of dat-shooting mayhem.