So, apparently there have been a lot of user accounts hacked. Is everyone here safe?
So, apparently there have been a lot of user accounts hacked. Is everyone here safe?

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So far so good. At some point I may do the mobile authenticator entirely but thus far I have a pretty good password.
I have my Mobile Authenticator. Easy to setup, easy to use. Make it that more secure
I'm considering a physical authenticator, myself. Something about a mobile app seems less secure.
Same RSA mechanism, different delivery.
I have both and since I know 1. my phone is with me always and locks it self. 2. I have the restore and original serial numbers. I am ok.? I did test this and it took about 20min on hold but less than a minute with all the right information to remove it. I do have both but my phone is deffinatly easier cause it is with me
Yeah, under ideal circumstances I would go with the phone app too. I only ever play in one place, I have my RSA token from FFXI on a lanyard in a container on the coffee table, so it's simple enough to grab. I have my phone with me everywhere, and that's exactly why I don't want it on my phone. 1. My smartphone belongs to my employer, 2. I could lose or break the smartphone, 3. Someone could steal my smartphone, and 4. The token looks pretty cool. :)
The app is convenient as hell, but for my purposes the $6 token is totally worth it.
Right. Totally go token. I wouldn't rely on that if I didn't own my smartphone either. $6 is cheap too.
The unfortunate thing is that their shipping is apparently stupid. Next day shipping apparently means nothing. I ordered it like 4 days ago now and there hasn't been any kind of update. Perhaps they're getting a lot of orders due to the recent account hackage.
I bet they are. Id tell them because if you pay for next day shipping and you dont get it you need a refund.
I have submitted a ticket and haven't heard back, but with the authenticators, next day shipping is free anyway.
That makes sense.
Hope you get it soon. Is you account locked down yet or do you turn it on when it arrives?
You just assign it when it arrives. I finally got a response from Blizz. They mail them out once a week, and the next day option was there in error.