On this episode of Cheerful Ghost Radio, we celebrate the tenth anniversary of Valve's Orange Box by talking about what the games mean to us, then we discuss how our feelings about DRM have changed over the years. Are we in a DRMPocalypse, or DoesitReallyMatter?

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No mention of Peggle in the Orange Box? I played that a lot, along with Portal and Half Life 2 Episode 2.
Will, I didn't believe you until I searched it myself. I do remember wondering how I got Peggle at one point. I bet that was it!
Was Peggle just a demo or the whole game?
I was a 10 level special demo. You can get it for free now: http://store.steampowered.com/app/3483/Peggle_Extreme/
Looks like Peggle Extreme was a demo of Peggle Deluxe, included only with the Steam version of The Orange Box. Interesting. I don’t know that I’d consider it part of the official package, but rather a bonus marketing tie-in. Cool bit of trivia, nonetheless!
Now I want to play some peggle. So much fun.
> but rather a bonus marketing tie-in. Cool bit of trivia, nonetheless!
Yeah. Kind of like the Super 8 level in Portal 2. I believe that was on the PC version only and it wasn't very long but kind of neat if you like Super 8.
Speaking of, didn't Gabe and JJ get on a stage and say they were going to work together making movies and games? I wonder what happened from that?
J.J. Abrams directing Half Life 3 movie, confirmed.
I wonder if that's how Valve plans on continuing the story and they are just waiting to drop the first trailer?
Oh wow, I remember all that speculation. We all were thinking... OK, so maybe it won't be a game BUT OMG HALF LIFE IS GOING TO BE A MOVIE ANDJJABRAMSISDOINGITOMG
Ok, maybe not "We all," but we ... me. Maybe just me.