Where is the future of Star Wars going and what do we want to see from it? We talk about everything from the upcoming Han Solo film to the rumored Obi Wan movie. If after our last two hour The Last Jedi special you wanted even more discussion here it is!

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I would like to see a big tent pole Star Wars movie every few years followed by smaller movies in between.
Really great episode! It was a lot of fun to listen to.
I had some random thoughts as I was listening, and I wish I wrote them down as I thought of them, but here are some random thoughts from the episode.
I agree that Han Solo, is the first movie I didn't want. I really enjoy going and seeing Star Wars movies on opening night with friends, but I kind of want to send a message to the studio that this is not what I want, so I'm thinking about not spending my money on it in the theater. It will be hard to wait for it to be available On Demand somewhere (HBO or Netflix, or maybe Disney's streaming service)... so maybe I'll just see it in a second run theater lol. I will wait and see reviews/spoilers/etc before going and seeing this one. But I'm torn because Opening Night has been a fun tradition... so we'll see how resolute I am when it comes time to buy tickets lol.
I'd love to see some sort of Goonies/Stranger Things/Chronicle type story about kids realizing Force powers and not knowing what to do with them. Or finding some ancient Jedi temple. Or something along those lines.
Similarly, to somewhat combine the first 2 points, I'm not interested in back stories of characters or events. I want the universe to expand and continue forward.
(My comment was too long, so it continues in the next comment lol)
I am interested in a 3-movie story that Rian Johnson could tell. The more I think back upon The Last Jedi, the more I appreciate it. I hope he would take it in a new direction.
Oh, it was mentioned that it would be cool to see more populated areas in Star Wars movies. I think since the main story lines are focused on The Empire and The Rebels, it's natural to mostly see military bases and rebal hideouts. Neither which would have a huge population. But hopefully that changes. I do love Star Wars, and the rebels vs the Empire has been great for the story, but it really can't be used again. So, as other people are focused on, probably with Force powers, they could live anywhere, and I think likely would be in metropolitan areas.
Regarding multiple Star Wars movies per year, I think that's too much personally. I don't think Star Wars needs to try to replicate Marvel. But if Star Wars did something like this, I wonder if they'd have to drop "Star Wars" from the name. Imagine how wordy Marvel movies would get if they had to use Marvel in the title. "Thor Ragnarok: A Marvel Story" would be a terrible name. Sure, Marvel has the benefit of people already associated the characters with Marvel, since they're all based on the comic books, but still, Star Wars needs to make good movies, and not rely on just slapping it's name on something. I think they could actually expand their audience if they didn't super promote Star Wars, as every Star Wars fan is going to know a Star Wars movie when it comes out, but perhaps there are some people who aren't into Star Wars, but would be interested in a creepy monster thriller that I could tell someone "sure, it's set in the Star Wars universe, but it's it's own thing."
I feel like I'm rambling on now, so I'll stop, but more thoughts might come to me later lol
Yeah, I don't want to see multiple Star Wars movies a year. I think the break in between all the movies has kept people hungry for more. I feel each year might be too much.
If Solo sticks to its May 2018 date, we will have more than a year between it and Episode 9, which will be nice.
> I agree that Han Solo, is the first movie I didn't want. I really enjoy going and seeing Star Wars movies on opening night with friends, but I kind of want to send a message to the studio that this is not what I want, so I'm thinking about not spending my money on it in the theater.

We recorded this episode back in December and my attitudes have shifted somewhat as i've heard more rumors about how difficult Solo has been to make. Is it gonna be good? I don't know but i'm not expecting it to be BUT I want to see it now more than ever simply because i'm curious how it's gonna turn out. Even if Lucasfilm is making a movie I don't really want to see I'm interested in it now primarily to see how it turns out from Lucasfilm firing the original directors to Ron Howard taking over. I'm sort of interested in it now in terms of how well the Lucasfilm, Ron and the rest can work some force magic to make this a great movie. The had some reshoots on Rogue One and that turned out great so i'm hoping for something good here.
Also, like, you have to come see it with me. It's like tradition.
> Regarding multiple Star Wars movies per year, I think that's too much personally. I don't think Star Wars needs to try to replicate Marvel.
I agree and it's good to go some time between them to build the anticipation because from Rogue One to The Last Jedi that felt like the right amount of time and it payed off.
I had somehow forgotten a lot of the details around Solo, that Kasdan wrote it and that the reason Lucasfilm switched directors was because Kasdan felt that the original ones werenât being true to the story.
So the struggle they went through makes me want to see it more because it shows Lucasfilm is dedicated to doing these things right.
Since theyâve targeted May for every release, but every one of those has slid to December except Solo, I kinda wish theyâd just kept he December timeline for all of them. I like the Christmas break tradition and the time between TLJ and Solo seems way too short.
I just saw that in China, Disney is dropping "Star Wars" from the Solo movie because The Last Jedi did poorly there. I hope Disney does the same here for future Star Wars movies.
It will now be called Solo: A Cup Story
Hahahaha. Arenât they calling it Ranger Solo in China?
Yeah lol