Travis Admin Post Author
wrote on 07/12/2012 at 07:47pm
Video added :)
Also, a note for any deal hunters-- don't buy anything except daily deals until the last day. You never know when something that is cheap today is going to be even cheaper tomorrow as the daily deal.
How much lower could the Bethesda pack get? This is a crazy awesome deal. Totally getting it.
Travis Admin Post Author
wrote on 07/12/2012 at 08:39pm
Yeah, I know. That's so freakin cool. I would imagine some games in the pack will show up on a cheaper daily deal, but the pack price probably won't change.
I know where I'll be shopping after work!
Video added :)
Also, a note for any deal hunters-- don't buy anything except daily deals until the last day. You never know when something that is cheap today is going to be even cheaper tomorrow as the daily deal.
Hollee %$%$:
How much lower could the Bethesda pack get? This is a crazy awesome deal. Totally getting it.
Yeah, I know. That's so freakin cool. I would imagine some games in the pack will show up on a cheaper daily deal, but the pack price probably won't change.
Right. I am limiting myself to one company pack and another game outside that. If I didn't it would be bad...
Love the song in the video! I remember singing it in a church like 15 years ago. Still rad.
And holy crap, Portal 2 for $4.99?
It's a great deal!