Tale of the White Wyvern is a text based, high fantasy, sword and magic adventure mini-MMO that you can play with your friends, and is finally here and ready for you to play by heading over to https://thewhitewyvern.com! We’ve spent the last few months working hard on the game and are happy you can finally play it! We also wanted your first day in game to go smoothly so we created a Let’s Play you can watch above to get a taste for what to expect in game!
Tale of the White Wyvern is in open beta, so let us know if you have any questions or run into any bugs. We have instructions you can read before you play from the game menu, and we also offer tips along the way to make things easy to understand. That said, the world of Tale of the White Wyvern is large, secrets vast and foes dangerous so tread carefully!
Cheerful Ghost Member Benefits
Cheerful Ghost Members will receive exclusive in-game cosmetic rewards, such as the “Cheerful Patron” and “Ghost Friend” titles. They will also get two in-game color themes “Cheerful Ghost” and “Cheerful Ghost After Dark” and access to alternate weapon and armor sets. I want to note that these alternate weapon and armor sets are cosmetic only and are the same cost and power level as the normal sets.
King Frosthelm’s Member Exclusive Weapon Set:
Asadi’s Exclusive Armor Set:
We plan on adding more Cheerful Ghost Member cosmetic exclusives over the upcoming months.
Tale of the White Wyvern is in open beta, so let us know if you have any questions or run into any bugs. We have instructions you can read before you play from the game menu, and we also offer tips along the way to make things easy to understand. That said, the world of Tale of the White Wyvern is large, secrets vast and foes dangerous so tread carefully!
Cheerful Ghost Member Benefits
Cheerful Ghost Members will receive exclusive in-game cosmetic rewards, such as the “Cheerful Patron” and “Ghost Friend” titles. They will also get two in-game color themes “Cheerful Ghost” and “Cheerful Ghost After Dark” and access to alternate weapon and armor sets. I want to note that these alternate weapon and armor sets are cosmetic only and are the same cost and power level as the normal sets.
King Frosthelm’s Member Exclusive Weapon Set:
- Wooden Sword
- Bee Keeper
- Plumbers Mushroom
- Bat'leth
- Rey's Staff
- The White Sword
- Biggoron's Sword
- Phoenix Feather Core Wand
- Newman’s Edge
- Plasma Beam
- The Fire Flower
- Jacket's Baseball Bat
- Leonardo's Katana
- The Master Sword
- Grumpy Old Man's Lightsaber
Asadi’s Exclusive Armor Set:
- Brown Tunic
- Iron Armor
- Red Plumber’s Cap
- Tiger Suit
- Scavenger Robes
- The Blue Ring
- Joel's Yellow Jumpsuit
- Moogle Suit
- Newman’s Armor
- Samus's Power Armor
- Red Plumber's Suit
- Jacket's Letterman
- Hardened Turtle Shell
- Kokiri's Green Tunic
- Tatooine Robes
We plan on adding more Cheerful Ghost Member cosmetic exclusives over the upcoming months.

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Thanks for making this Jon & Travis!
What's the difference between staying at the Inn (which costs $400) and just logging out while in the Town Square? It seems you could save money by doing the latter, but I'm assuming that would leave you vulnerable to attack. It also seems you can attack people who are in the bar? The bartender said you can call someone down and they'll get first hit. Can you clear this up for me?
Personal request: would it be possible to get a custom color scheme? Maybe we could create one in the game. I don't have a problem w/ the color scheme, I'm just curious if it'd be possible to change it to something other than the other included themes.
Also are you going to be sending out the social media hype link and rewards?
> What's the difference between staying at the Inn (which costs $400) and just logging out while in the Town Square? It seems you could save money by doing the latter, but I'm assuming that would leave you vulnerable to attack. It also seems you can attack people who are in the bar? The bartender said you can call someone down and they'll get first hit. Can you clear this up for me?
It's pretty much as you say. Plus:
* You can only attack people at your level or higher or one below you. So level 5 can attack 5 and up and level 4 but no one level 1-3.
* Staying in the Fields (quitting the game normally) makes you able to be attacked by people (with the rules above)
* You can pay to stay in the Inn (400 gold * level). This means people have to spend money to Call you Out plus you get one bonus. If you stay in the Inn you always get the first attack(to give the Inn a further bonus). (with same level rules above)
> Personal request: would it be possible to get a custom color scheme? Maybe we could create one in the game. I don't have a problem w/ the color scheme, I'm just curious if it'd be possible to change it to something other than the other included themes.
It's something Travis and I will add to the list. With that, what color scheme are you thinking about?
> Also are you going to be sending out the social media hype link and rewards?
That's going out on the 29th so check back tomorrow for more information on that!
ALSO your Inn stay lasts until you log in next and experience a new day. Then you need to rent another room.
Does staying at the inn regen health?
Thanks for the clarifications. So, if you log out while in town, you're in the fields while logged out?
The color scheme I have in mind is a black background with blue text and purple for the highlights (like the parenthesis "()" surrounding letters/keys to press to activate action). I was surprised and pleased to find out that it's not just a keyboard game, but it's also point and click. :)
> Does staying at the inn regen health?
No. You can heal at Helga's to pay to regen health. Also you regen health when a new game day hits. Also you have a random chance to regen health in the forest.
> Thanks for the clarifications. So, if you log out while in town, you're in the fields while logged out?
Yep. Stepping away from the game at any point drops you to the fields.
Cool. Thx for the info.
I played my first day, and was totally transported to high school (other than the fact that I was playing on my phone lol).
Travis and Jon, you two have done a fantastic job creating this game! It honestly feel super good playing it!
> I played my first day, and was totally transported to high school (other than the fact that I was playing on my phone lol).
That's the basis of what I have going on in my head about creating a marketing message. Something like (in a deep voice) take a trip back to 1995, the era of the BBS. Cheerful Ghost brings you a game reminiscent of your favorite BBS games. Come check out Tale of the White Wyvern.
Something like that anyway.
I was leaving the forest and was attacked by something and couldn't run away (I didn't want to anyway). I killed it and now I have -1 fights. :( Will I lose one when they're replenished or will it just refill?
I was having trouble withdrawing all from the bank. It said "enter nothing for all" and I didn't input anything and I withdrew 0, tried again, same thing, was reporting the "bug," tried it again and it worked. Maybe I didn't do it right until the last time.
Oh, ok, now after depositing all w/ the "deposit all" button, I tried to withdraw 800. I typed "800" in the text box. It said I withdrew 0, but that I had 800 on hand. I don't know if there's some kind of bug/discrepancy or I just did something wrong. In the end it works out.
> I was leaving the forest and was attacked by something and couldn't run away (I didn't want to anyway). I killed it and now I have -1 fights. :( Will I lose one when they're replenished or will it just refill?
You get all 25 at the new day.
> I was having trouble withdrawing all from the bank. It said "enter nothing for all" and I didn't input anything and I withdrew 0, tried again, same thing, was reporting the "bug," tried it again and it worked. Maybe I didn't do it right until the last time.
Should be fixed now.
> Oh, ok, now after depositing all w/ the "deposit all" button, I tried to withdraw 800. I typed "800" in the text box. It said I withdrew 0, but that I had 800 on hand. I don't know if there's some kind of bug/discrepancy or I just did something wrong. In the end it works out.
Should be fixed now.
Greg, it's possible you were doing all those deposit/withdraw steps while we were actively squashing a bug there.
Everyone, thanks for joining up and playing, it's fun seeing a ton of people enjoying this game.
> No. You can heal at Helga's to pay to regen health. Also you regen health when a new game day hits. Also you have a random chance to regen health in the forest.
You regen some health, right? I just logged in and I'm missing some health. Although I wasn't sure if I had stayed at the inn when I first wrote this comment, I now know that I did, because I tried to buy a room and it said "no need to pay twice."
Also, I'm sure a new in-game has started, but I only had 1 fight. :( Time is currently 3:35AM EST.
I think it missed that midnight new day. I had 0 fights and could still sleep in my room.
> I think it missed that midnight new day. I had 0 fights and could still sleep in my room.
Yeah, somehow the new day didn't trigger. I manually ran it this morning. Should be good now!
thx Jon!
I thought it was funny when I killed "Travis the Barbarian," but killing "Red Neck" really made me LOL.
> Travis the Barbarian
I have a few Travis references in the game.
I sprinkled in a couple Travis references in the bits of lore I wrote, but they’re somewhat esoteric. One is easier to spot than the other.
> I sprinkled in a couple Travis references ...
> I sprinkled in a couple Travis references in the bits of lore I wrote, but they’re somewhat esoteric. One is easier to spot than the other.
Dude, "esoteric!" I wrote a play in high school for a class project and it was totally esoteric! One of my recent game reviews has an esoteric title. :) (Yes, I did look up the meaning of "esoteric" as I've heard of it before, but didn't remember/know what it meant.) Mostly what I'm talking about are music references.
I'm still finding it humorous that I killed "Red Neck." I feel like I stomped all over his "Don't Tread on Me" flag/license plate.