Our long wait is at an end, folks. The final major update to Terraria will be with us on May 16.
This update has been in the works for quite some time now, and will bring with it quite a few new features, including new game modes Journey and Master, new weapons, new NPCs, new buildable objects, GOLFING, and so many others.
The wiki has a list of all confirmed new features for 1.4 and this likely isn't even all of them: https://terraria.gamepedia.com/Upcoming_features
Announcement tweet: https://twitter.com/Demilogic/status/1249728004827250693?s=19
This update has been in the works for quite some time now, and will bring with it quite a few new features, including new game modes Journey and Master, new weapons, new NPCs, new buildable objects, GOLFING, and so many others.
The wiki has a list of all confirmed new features for 1.4 and this likely isn't even all of them: https://terraria.gamepedia.com/Upcoming_features
Announcement tweet: https://twitter.com/Demilogic/status/1249728004827250693?s=19

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Wow! I last heard that they were speeding up work on it due to the global issue and that it would be out around the end of summer, but I don't think I expected it to be out on that date. I'm looking forward to playing the new content and I really hope we're doing another server.
Wait, what's Terraria? 😉
Adam, I see you're new here.
Check out Chippy Gaming's new video and other videos he's posted about this update: https://youtu.be/A90cJ9nMr7A
PYLONS https://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/expand-your-terraria-empire-pylons-town-building-and-npc-happiness.88128/
Mostly awesome! I mean, they're right about the basic spawn "town" build. This system seems to fit. I remember at the start trying to meet the right criteria for getting NPCs to move in, but this just fills that in a bit more. Now, it's not just getting about them to move in and stay, but makes it a bit more interesting by edging us to create more bases in different places. This adds to the beauty and livelihood of Terraria worlds and makes them less static. I think this could get some people to build some really cool places! I think this is pretty cool, although I'm not much of a builder, I build the basic boxes, but this could get me to add those boxes to other places.
It's also cool to be able to teleport to places, granted you could set up teleport points using TEdit. This update is packed, I'm really looking forward to playing it again, although sad that this is supposed to be "the last" update. I wonder what's in the future for the game and devs, hopefully Terraria 2.
Journey mode looks cool! https://youtu.be/M01jQ2XRqfE
It does, I love how you can change enemy difficulty settings on the fly.
The Bestiary and Zoologist NPC https://youtu.be/6ypdF4x0iu0