One of the best games ever. If you have any interest in tactical RPG's, you owe it to yourself to pick it up. You can get it on Steam and Wii (and emulation...).

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Never heard of this game before, but the music is cool. :D When you say tactical RPG do you mean like FF Tactics and Ogre battle?
Ya, pretty much. It's a bit simpler, but that lends to a faster style of play. It also cuts to vignettes for all the combat, which adds a sense of fun.
I'll put a gameplay video up.
It's a Genesis game, and most of the RPG crowd went Super Nintendo. (Sorry Phantasy Star, you don't count). A lot of people missed it, but it has quite a following.
There have been a bunch of sequels, but other than one on the Saturn that never got a full translation, the rest have lost the tactical part.
The Shining Force Series is a spinoff of the Shining in the Darkness Series, which is a first person dungeon crawler also available on Steam. The others are okay (actually, there was one of the Sega handheld (the name escapes me now) that was really good as well - Shining Force Gaiden.)
Looks cool. Haven't played a tactics game before but loved the Super NES/Nintendo KOEI strategy games quite a bit.
You shall not pass!