I have a bunch of old consoles that I want to hook up to my HDTV. Does anybody know of a good solution that will keep the picture looking decent? Googling seems to point to the Framemeister. Is this still the best solution?

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Yeah, something like that OR the Retro.
You can buy it online OR there is a sweet new retro gaming store I checked out the other day in Beaverton that stocks them all. Call before you head over but if memory serves, they have them all last I saw.
One nice thing about the Retron is that it's native HDMI and does a ton of the classic systems.
If only it played N64!
Ah right. Well let me know what you do and how well it works.
What games are you wanting to play on your 64?
I want to dust off Ogre 64 and Shadow Man
I want to know how it goes too. I've been contemplating the same thing.
From everything I hear, the Framemeister is the best option for sure, but that's not a cheap option.
If your TV can handle 240p you might be OK with what it gives you by default. If not, you can buy a $40 upscaler like this one:
That doesn't preserve the scanlines and things like the Framemeister can do, but it'll get you playing if your TV won't do 240p resolution.
Now I just need to get over the $300 price tag for a framemeister.
@Travis, yeah I have a cheap converter box that allows me to output to HDMI, but things still look pretty bad. I guess it comes down to, do I want a CRT hanging around, do I want a framemeister, or do I want bad looking games. None of these options are ideal for their own reasons.