The archive of the stream can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=es_4dXrQkpA
Original Post
Today at 12pm pacific, IGN and the Video Game History Foundation are teaming up for a 5 hour stream of them playing "a slew of rare things, including canceled games, unreleased consoles, forgotten preview builds, and much more." This is also a fundraising event for VGHF which looks like it perserves old games and consoles. I don't know much about the charity, but the event seems pretty cool. I will be checking it out.
For more info on how to watch it, go here:
The archive of the stream can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=es_4dXrQkpA
Original Post
Today at 12pm pacific, IGN and the Video Game History Foundation are teaming up for a 5 hour stream of them playing "a slew of rare things, including canceled games, unreleased consoles, forgotten preview builds, and much more." This is also a fundraising event for VGHF which looks like it perserves old games and consoles. I don't know much about the charity, but the event seems pretty cool. I will be checking it out.
For more info on how to watch it, go here:

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Dude, rad. Thanks for the heads up!
You're welcome! I hope to see some cool stuff!
Nintendo World Championship cart is up first.
Bio Force Ape for the NES was next.
Demoed the M2 console. This stream has been pretty cool.
I wish my company didn't block IGN! I'm not able to watch, but maybe I'll catch a saved version of the stream another time.
Ah, I just missed it! Curses!
Wait, I can't math. I missed it by quite a bit.
You can watch the whole stream right here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=es_4dXrQkpA
It focuses a lot on the NES, but they explain why at a point in the video.
Sweet! I'll peek at this later. Thanks for sharing!
I'm home sick today and am watching this now. It's so cool!
It is the perfect sick day stream!
It seriously is. I'm watching dinosaur hockey right now lol
Drac's Night Out with the Reebok Pump was great! I can't believe someone thought of marketing the pump with Dracula.