This awesome Mega Drive game(please note that allthough it says Genesis up top, it was never released in the states, therefore it is not on the Genesis, it was released in Japan only for the Mega Drive) is worth every penny. I got mine for a sweet SWEET deal at only $80 while it seems to regularly sell for more than $150+. The opening scene with the bullets dropping to the ground is just cool. As you play the game you will notice that it has lots and lots of cool beautiful colors that run together very smoothly much better than the 1st game in the series IMO. The weapon power ups are rad and are plentiful and you can choose from a variety of different guns to use at the...

Is it in Japanese or English?
Its in Japanese but since it's a sh'mup you really dont need to know Japanese.
That looks really rad.
It is, one of my favorite Mega Drive s'hmups. Music is really good and the colors and graphics are just all kinds of 16 bit awesome.
Cool, from the video it seems like the game has some personality. I liked the Chineese Dragon that for some reason was over police cars? :)
Yeah it does in deed have personality, that's what I love about Japanese games, they can often be very weird and quirky and believe me there are some weird ones out there.
Such as Cho Aniki lmao! That is just one weird series. There is definetly a reason those ones never came to the states lol.