- Recommended
- Import saved date from previous games
- Visually superior to Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age 2
- New battle system
- Strongly open-world RPG including mounts
One of the things Iāve loved about the DA series is the ability to import saved games. I...

So after playing them all it seems like you like DAI a bit more than the others? Makes sense, again i've heard good things about it from friends though I don't think they completed it.
I haven't finished DAI yet, but I think I do like it best of the three. I liked DA2 more than Origins and I still liked Origins. So, I think it's all good. I think that at some point I got used to the game and cared about the characters and what I was doing. It's pretty cool.
Does Origin tell you how many hours you've spent playing a game? I wonder what my hours look like for DAI. Well, I know the game can tell me, it's in the title of my saved games. It does auto save, some what often, so it seems unnecessary to save so often. I ran into that with DAO, having to make sure I saved, so I don't lose progress after getting killed.
This game really looks comparable to a shiny new car. There are a lot of shiny things in the game.
Leveling up seems to take a while. I'm only level 20 or 21 right now. But, I feel more powerful than ever. I killed one or two Higher Dragons on my own, but another two or three were destroying me when I was about level 17. The dragons were higher leveled than me, around 20. Once I came back to those fights when I reached 20, they were so much easier. Honestly, I think my mage is more powerful than anyone else in my part. My character is a Warrior, but I keep another Warrior (Cassandra), a mage (Vivieene), and a rogue (Sera) with me.
I'm still enjoying it!
yep, when you click on a game it tells you in that panel, far right of the play button.
I see it! I've been playing by right-clicking the icon in my system tray and then clicking on the game. Thanks, Travis! Origin says I've played DAI for 50 hours.
I finally finished DAI and I really liked it. It was fun, interesting, and looked good. If there's another DA game, I will certainly be interested.