I could see Labo going pretty...
Nintendo Labo
Released on April 20, 2018 by Nintendo
Developed by Nintendo
Nintendo Labo combines the magic of Nintendo Switch with the fun of DIY creations. Start with a piece of cardboard... Hold a recital, Catch a fish & Win a race. With Nintendo Labo, building is just as much fun as playing. Have fun discovering how it all works—you might even invent new ways to play with each Toy-Con creation.
Nintendo announced Nintendo Labo today which looks to be a game that merges hobbyist DiY crafting and the Nintendo Switch. It's a really interesting concept and the trailer shows off some of the fun things you can do with Labo. Many people are jumping into the maker communities creating mini computers that do certain tasks and it seems like Labo is on the edge of that with some of the silly peripherals of the Wii era. Want to make a remote controlled device with your joy-cons that uses the rumble to move? Check. Want to build a cardboard fishing pole to catch something? Check. Want to build a full robot suit to fight other robots? Check.
I could see Labo going pretty...
I could see Labo going pretty...
Honestly this looks fun for adults to a point. I would have fun with this for about an hour. Not worth the price of entry for me. BUT it's something that a parent would have loads of fun with when building with a child, and it brings the makerspace mentality to a younger audience. It's fantastic!