EA is giving away The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection free on Origin until July 31st It's simple to redeem your copy, just open up Origin and choose "Redeem Product Code" from the Games tab with the code "I-LOVE-THE-SIMS". According to EA The Ultimate Collection includes The Sims 2, as well as every single The Sims 2 expansion pack and stuff pack.
Are you going to pick this up? Might be a good time to get back into The Sims.
Are you going to pick this up? Might be a good time to get back into The Sims.

For a sec I thought this was The Sims 3 ultimate and was excited. I'll still snag this because, hey... free game. But the Sims 3 DLC is like $400 :)
While we're talking Origin, what's everyone's username? I'm panickedthumb, as I bet you could guess. I have no Origin friends, it would be nice to add a couple.
My username is the same as my Steam one.
When I search for your Steam username all I get is your steam username with a C at the beginning.
Do you have a link? I'm assuming Origin is like Steam, I've never heard of it.
If you want to get EA Origin you can do that here: https://www.origin.com
Following the link, I see that The Sims 4 is read for pre-order. Thanks for posting the video, I think it's funny.
Ok, I'm downloading. I found Travis on there, but not you, Jon.
yeah Jon, get with the program.
Some bastard out there took the name whiteboyslim already, so I had to use my alternate handle: taion333.
I downloaded the Sims 2 yesterday and played it for a little bit last night. By a little bit I mean I completely lost track of time and didn't realize it was 2am when I finally went to sleep. Oops!
LOL, Tim. I downloaded mine last night, but it wasn't finished by 2am.
I found news about this, I just think it's cool that I found out about it here first and days before finding this article in my email: http://www.pcworld.com/article/2457728/free-game-alert-eas-giving-away-the-sims-2-after-ending-support-for-the-game.html#tk.nl_game
Peggle is another free game that's mentioned in the article I shared in my last comment. It's kind of fun, I've spent 7 hours playing it. It's kind of like pinball.
As for The Sims 2, I've spent 11 hours playing. I had a very long game play run with it a few days ago. It was fun, cool, and I wasn't really ready for it to be over, but I needed to go to bed. I've gone through the game's tutorials. I selected Belladonna Cove and installed every additional thing in that neighborhood, which means there's much more there to discover. I selected Chester Gieke and moved him into an apartment. I gave him a nice bonus of money with a cheat.
I eventually bought him a phone and a huge screen TV. I've been enjoying the Aspiration system and getting my Sim to do what he wants to accomplish during the day. I've also enjoyed the Aspiration rewards. I bought the very expensive Elixir of Life. Actually, I've bought two of them, which you can only buy with Aspiration points. I've had Chester finish one (you can drink it a few times) and started on another. So right now, he's a fresh adult, since the EoL takes age off of your Sim, age that accumulates with time.
I completed one of his original Aspirations by getting a job as a detective, but recently his Aspirations were to quit his job, so I did that. I'm still trying to accomplish those Aspirations, but I'm finding that it's not always easy as my Sim is often now in a bad mood and doesn't want to study. I hate when he gets whiny and annoying. Hahaha.
I don't think I've had any issues with the game at all. I'm actually surprised that I've gotten into it and have been enjoying it. That's always a great reward when getting a game free, especially one like The Sims which has a large collection of add-ons.
Anyone else still playing? If you want to connect with me on Origin, you should be able to find me easily as GregoPeck.
I haven't actually installed it yet, but I nabbed it on Origin.
Have you edited the game to run it in full HD resolution? I guess by default the game doesn't run in a high res on modern systems.
No, I'm going to look into that, thanks! Time is running out, Jon, "get with the program!" LOL
But the reason I haven't installed Sims 2 is that I am still playing Earthbound. So much fun.
I wish I had that problem. Just keep in mind that the offer expires soon. I thought it was funny that I was playing Starbound and you were playing Earthbound.
Oh, I followed your link. I edited one file, copied it, and then pasted it into each other folder that contained the resolution configuration. There are a lot of folders in The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection because of all the add-ons. I was then able to set my resolution in the game to the max 1920X1200. I didn't notice any black bars on the side as the link mentioned. The game has looked good in every resolution I've played it in.
The offer expires soon, but that doesn't mean you can't keep playing after the offer expires.
While playing today, my Sim, Chester, met a lady named Gina. They some how hit it off, went on a "dream date," got married, moved into a house, and are now expecting a baby.
Congratulations, you are playing SOAP OPERA SIMULATOR.
Unfortunately, Gina died before or during giving birth to the baby, neither survived. Her ghost was seen by "the player" (not the Sim), her ghost was still pregnant. While disappointed, Chester continues to live on spending a lot of his time jogging and loving his black kitten named Bonkers.
Geez, she has to live the whole afterlife carrying around a reminder of the child she could never have? That seems cruel. That's some straight-up creepy CaptCurry-Norn-Story disturbing.
Well, Chester started bringing a female friend home from work. Eventually, they flirted enough and became lovers. They got married, she moved in, and now they're expecting a baby. She is at the same stage of pregnancy as Chester's first wife, so I'm hoping she survives. It was weird, with the first wife, she was playing pool and just disappeared. I'm not sure why she died, but I think she was hungry at the time and might have starved to death.
Oh and Chester did finally see her ghost. I then decided to move the grave to another plot in the community where they had their honeymoon.
T"hat's some straight-up creepy CaptCurry-Norn-Story disturbing." :feelsgood:
> I then decided to move the grave to another plot in the community where they had their honeymoon.
I read that as "the cemetery where they had their honeymoon" and thought this was way more screwed up than it already is.
Ha! That's how I read it too!
Hahahaha. I was able to click on the urn and select "move grave." When doing that, you can decide to move it to a community lot, so I chose the place where they went on vacation after they married, which is not a cemetery.
Having a character named Chester (game created), I thought of Linkin Park's lead singer. So, i named the new baby boy, Linkin. He's a toddler now.
I found out that I could try to resurrect Chester's first wife, but that requires one of the career rewards in the Paranormal career field. Apparently with the Resurrect-O-Nomitron, there's a chance that the dead person may come back ill, as a zombie, or not at all. Chester got over that first loss rather gracefully, so I probably won't explore the resurrection option. His life aspiration is to be a criminal mastermind, so he's working in the Criminal career path.
My friend had a Sims 2 character on that career path. He was working as a thief. He got sick for a few days and had to call in sick, so he got fired. From being a thief.
I've never been interested in trying out a Sims game, but you guys are making it intriguing. Especially for free!
Linkin is now a teen! Oh and the nanny died, Chester watched her die. She was seated on a couch and wouldn't move and I couldn't get my character to interact with her. I figured out that the huge-screen TV was in the way. Once I moved it, she passed out and died on the floor, Chester watched the Grim Reaper take her away, and then he moved her grave to Central Park.
I'm thinking of sending Linkin off to college, although he's been a horrible student.
Dang, there are a lot of people dying around Chester. Maybe his son should go off to college. It might be safer for him there.
Not much to update on my own Sims' progress. I made 4 new Sims based (loosely) off of my wife, myself, and two of our friends (gotta have friends for my sims!) and took all four of them through college together. I'm going to try apartment life next and start working towards trying out all the vacation stuff since I've never played those expansions before.
Adam, if you want it, you better grab it now. The deal is about over.
Jeez, Greg. "Oh, and the nanny died, Chester watched her die." I think Chester is a murderer.
Everyone around Chester only knows pain.
Linkin went to college and has received a "D" for three semesters now. I'm going to have to research how to get a better grade. I've had him write term papers and do assignments often, but he still fails. Tim, perhaps you've mastered the college life. Apartment life is what Chester started out with.
Chester isn't guilty for the death of the nanny, that was "the player's fault." Haha. I also forgot to mention that once lightning struck a tree and it caught fire. There seems to be a never-ending flame in the tree now. I had Ratna, Chester's wife, call the fire department, but they were fined instead, apparently the large fire had already extinguished. They did have to call the exterminator as a couple of groups of roaches appeared outside near the trash can.
Also, Greg, I'm thoroughly enjoying this. I don't normally care about play-by-play gaming reconstructions, but I just can't wait to hear what Chester does next :)
Greg, you have the burning bush. I have changed my opinion of Chester, he isn't a murderer, he's Moses.
Well, I'm glad you guys are entertained. Linkin still struggles through college, he can't seem to earn a passing grade. Perhaps we sent him to college too soon.
Well, maybe. If he got a job he might have had a hard time too.
Actually, he got a job in the Musical career path, since his life-long aspiration includes being in the Entertainment business. He actually has fun at his job!
Bonkers, the first family cat, has died. His grave was moved to Central Park West. Alegra, a new kitten, and Jake, a puppy, were adopted. After getting expelled from college, Linkin temporarily moved in with his parents. He soon moved into his own place right next door.
Linkin got married, he and his wife had a baby boy, Vincenzo. Afterwards, Chester and Ratna had a baby boy, Toby. I named the boys after a character in the book series I'm currently reading. Ratna's life long aspiration is to marry off 6 children. She is now down to 5 left to marry off. I'm not sure if she'll accomplish this goal, but we shall see.
Meanwhile, Toby has grown into a kid and is now controllable. I didn't realize this when Linkin grew of the age. Perhaps that's why he did horribly in school. Hopefully, Toby will have a better childhood and do well in school.
My origin handle to connect with is "golok32"