The local retro game collector community is pretty strong and as such we have a lot of local events strung through the year that are well worth attending even if you are lightly into the retro scene. In October Cheerful Ghost runs a booth at Portland Retro Game Expo and in January some of the same folks host the PRGE/NWCGE Swap Meet. It's hosted at the Portland Double Tree and it's much smaller and more focused on buying, selling and trading retro games. Will and I hit it up this year and were some of the first people in line to peruse the crazy amount of amazing retro games and collectables. One of my yearly goals is to limit myself to only buying 5 games this year...

3D graphics and Dolby Surround Sound! I really don't remember this game at all. Hopefully I can see it sometime soon!
And that's rad about the Nintendo Powers. I remember having so many as a kid, but I don't remember what happened to them. I probably didn't take care of them, and they got recycled after falling apart lol
It was funny, we found King Arthur at the last booth we visited. It was meant to be.
I picked up for the NES: Goonies 2, Fester's Quest and Batman and for the Genesis: Aladdin and Golden Axe.
Nice finds Will! Aladdin was great back in the day (I had it on the SNES), and I remember Fester's Quest and Batman from many weekend rentals :)
Thanks! I had both Fester's Quest and Batman back when I originally had a NES, so I had to pick those up. I played Goonies 2 a lot at my friend's house back in the day and remember good things about it. I always wanted Aladdin for the Genesis, but never picked it up. As far as Golden Axe goes, it is just a fun game.