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Diablo III: Reaper of Souls
on Battlenet
Diablo III: Reaper of Souls is dropping on March 25th and I am creating an event for everyone that will be picking it up. Join this event to talk about the game up to launch and your initial thoughts on it.
- Will you start with the new Crusader Character for Reaper or will you start up Act V immediately? If you are just going to tear into Act V, what character will you play with?
- Do you plan on playing reaper with friends to start or fly solo?
- What part of the new content are you looking forward to the most?
- What version of the game are you picking up? Standard, Digital Deluxe or Collectors Edition?
- Do you think it would be better for someone to get D3 now or get D3+Reaper and start with that?
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My wife and I will probably jump right into Act V with my Monk and her Wizard or Monk, then come back to the Crusader later. I'm looking forward to the new content more than the new class. In fact, out of all the new mechanics and things, the new act is what I'm most looking forward to. I've been clicking my way around the same 4 acts for far too long. I guess we'll get at least one physical collectors edition.
At this point in the process, I can't see any good reason to pick up the game right now.
Oh and I will definitely be making an all-crusader event shortly after launch. Unless someone beats me to it.
Unsure if I am going Crusader right away. I want to experience the new rad of the Crusader and how the game plays with loot 2.0 and the improved mechanics. Let you know when I make up my mind BUT either way i'd love a "all crusaders" event. :D
Let me know where you plan on pre-ordering it from. I want to get it from Best Buy as it's the closest to my house and I can just walk in and pick it up on launch day.
I will probably do the same. I don't like Best Buy but I like them more than Gamestop.
They seem fine for an electronic super store, but I hear you. Hopefully we can pre-order it soon.
Thought this was fun. I think the Alien US President would be a good addition to the game. Seriously. It wouldn't maybe fit in with the world lore but it would be a fun class.
For anyone that joins up in the future, they just dropped the info on the full Collectors Edition and what's included.
I am nearly certain when this drops I am going to start a Crusader and head into Sanctuary from the start. Since i've only ever gotten to Hell with my main character i've only beaten the game a handful of times. So I am not upset to play the main story again and in fact I just played D3 the other day and was wanting to do it all over again.
I am digging the idea of starting over with the Crusader because not only will I get the new loot system from the start but also the full Crusader dialog options and how that feels. Unsure if ill roll a man or woman Crusader and if Blizzard showed off what she looked like that might help me out a bit.
I am so fan-boying it right now and I know for many that might seem odd as D3 was a let down, but for what it was I like the game quite a bit and can't wait to check out the new stuff.
D3 was never a letdown for me. Blizzard handled some things questionably but I always had tons of fun. I got way more out of it than I ever expected.
And yeah, I'm making myself wait until the release to dive back in. It's getting harder and harder.
Totally, it's only a little under two months...
I know! I keep hoping I'll get that email from Blizzard inviting me into the beta. The PTR for the new stuff that isn't included in RoS is nice though. I love the changes they're making.
Yeah, I can't wait. I wonder how many more expansions they are going to do? If they are all as awesome as RoS I don't think i'd mind a couple.
I don't know. Traditionally Diablo games have just had the one expansion but I would be surprised if that sticks for D3.
True, but D2 expansion contained two characters and this one is one. I mean thats not a great metric, but i'd personally dig a few more acts and characters.
You also have to look at Starcraft. It got one expansion, but Starcraft 2 is getting two. I think the gaming world is moving toward more acceptance of expansions and DLC so I expect Blizzard would want to take advantage of that.
What I'm most looking forward to is the loot changes. With the AH shutting down, they've got a lot to do to keep up with loot demands.
From what I've heard the PC version is going to be very similar to the console version which had great loot drops. In fact when you completed quests you got some pretty great loot geared for your character so hopefully that makes it to PC too.
I'd also live to get controller support for PC but they have said that might not ever come.
Yes Loot 2.0 is a big focus in the PTR. I think it's even better than the console version. I imagine that I will never miss the auction house on my way to level 70, but the endgame stuff is where it gets harder.
If you don't mind waiting for another massive download, I recommend checking out the PTR. It's a nice peek at what's coming and you can mess around and take chances without worrying about it affecting your main character.
Yeah, I might do that, thanks Travis.
They are adding two more pre-order incentives. If you don't digitally pre-order, you still get the goods if you register your key before March 31st. I appreciate Blizz doing the right thing for people that pre-order outside Battle.net.
Okay, fine. I'm in :)
As it is, I haven't played since we all played back in the mid 2013's. Will I be completely outmatched for Reaper?
I don't know how the difficulty curve will be adjusted for Reaper, if at all. Since the curve went perfectly between Act 4 Normal - Act 1 Nightmare, I'm not sure where Reaper will fit in.
So, you're saying I should play more Diablo III. :)
I hear the 2.0 patch is coming soon. It was supposed to be out today but there were issues. Awesome of them to push that out early, if it actually happens.
> As it is, I haven't played since we all played back in the mid 2013's. Will I be completely outmatched for Reaper?
They have taken some tips from the console version to adjust the difficulty. So, if the game is too hard you can turn it down and if too easy, turn it up.
After playing the update I have the impression Reaper is actually done. Oh well, so much new stuff with this update.
" Yeah, I would say that's it. I would call Adventure Mode the primary feature of the expansion. That said, I think Act V is our best act, so we did take everything we learned there. And you do have to kill Malthael once with one character before Adventure Mode is unlocked. But knowing that you don't have to play story mode over and over again allows people to relax and just enjoy Act V for what it is; and they may or may not come back to it after that, but they don't have to. It doesn't feel as onerous to sit through those things."
Seems like you have to beat Ep. V before Adventure mode is unlocked. I'll play Ep. V first but why the unlock? I don't know how I feel about that.
It does seem weird that they would require that. I mean it doesn't change my plans at all. Act V and the Crusader are the two things I want to check out first, but I'm not sure why they'd lock that down.
To make the game feel larger? Or maybe there is some story element in Act V that makes adventure mode unlocking make more sense.
In that interview Blizz did say that the expansion primarily hangs on adventure mode.
Whoa, this weekend only, they are handing out 100% XP boost.