Found an awesome site the other day as I was searching for phrases from Zelda games. Yeah, I do that.
The Secret to Everybody site takes phrases from the original games and collects them in screen-shot form for you to view. Very fun.
The Secret to Everybody site takes phrases from the original games and collects them in screen-shot form for you to view. Very fun.

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I bet you'd like to have more bombs.
Checked the chest. Wow that is a nice chest! - Zelda pick up lines.
The fact that this website exists makes me very happy. I am definitely bookmarking it.
I know. I did the search expecting a sImple screenshot not the amazing that is that site.
And yes, I always buy more bombs. :).
When it comes to bomb bags and quivers, bigger is always better.
It is, plus its not hard to add more bombs to your bag after you up the maximum.