"The first 50+ titles we've have in store for you come from all the corners of our DRM-Free catalog. Note that we've got many classic titles coming officially to Linux for the very first time, thanks to the custom builds prepared by our dedicated team of penguin tamers. That's over twenty fan-favorite GOG.com classics, like FlatOut&Flatout 2, , Darklands, or Realms of the Haunting we've personally ushered one by one into the welcoming embrace of Linux gamers. That's already quite a nice chunk of our back-catalog, and you can expect more from our dedicated Linux team soon!"
Linux is becoming more of a first class game platform and this news from GOG seems to solidify that. The list of titles they brought to the platform is very unique and I can't wait to see what else they add to the list over time.
Coupled with the news of GOG Galaxy this puts GOG in a really unique position.
Linux is becoming more of a first class game platform and this news from GOG seems to solidify that. The list of titles they brought to the platform is very unique and I can't wait to see what else they add to the list over time.
Coupled with the news of GOG Galaxy this puts GOG in a really unique position.

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Next up: Origin! :)
I say that jokingly, but I wouldn't be surprised if Origin has Linux support in a year or two.
Hmmm, it's really possible but I wonder what EA would have to gain there. Unless they want to get into their own console business which would be interesting.
Well, the same thing anyone has to gain I suppose. Steam Machines are happening and people are reacting, albeit slowly. EA does have some indie titles they publish. I won't say it's a great fit for EA but I think the extra funds to develop Linux versions of their games would be made up by profits. Origin is out for Mac already so they're branching out.
I think it's less about having their own console, and more about getting out from under Windows, which is more or less where everything is going.
I hope EA gets behind "something other than windows" and the answer to that is Linux. That would be great.