"To the umbaru, their mortal duration is but a pale shadow of the Unformed Land, a testing ground for those wishing to ascend to the higher plane. And only the witch doctors are able to look upon the Mbwiru Eikura, through mastery of potent herbs, bloody rituals, and an intense focus known as the Ghost Trance. Their combined spiritual and military acumen has earned the witch doctors a place of status and reverence amongst the tribes. Theirs is a calling that requires an incredible degree of courage, self-sacrifice, wisdom, and foresight."
I will be playing this class at game drop.
I will be playing this class at game drop.

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I'm going monk. I tried three classes in the beta, and it was my favorite. It just has such a rhythm to it, it almost reminds me of a fighting game.
I played Monk too. It was very much so managing combos and what to do in certain scenarios. I think the Monk opened weak in the Beta and as I gained more level and skill it really opened up the options. Quite a bit of fun, I generally don't play fighters.
Monk really went toward my play style. I tried the Barbarian and Demon Hunter but was not impressed as much as I was with the Monk. But I am sure I will play them all