We are going to do this years Cheerful Ghost GoTY Awards similarly to last year with a fun new addtion. Please submit your nominations in the comments along with the category they should go in. On December 24th i'll take all the nominations and put out a 3 polls where we can all vote for the winners. Like last year we will have the "2015 Triple A Game of the Year", "2015 Indie Game of the Year" and the all new "2015 Update of the Year". Games that quality for the "Update of the Year" are games that received a significant update or were ported to a new platform in 2015. Games such as Hearthstone(The Grant Tournament, The League of Explorers) & Terraria (1.3 update) quick someone nominate those games!
Thanks for taking part in the GoTY process and I hope 2016 is a great year in gaming!
Thanks for taking part in the GoTY process and I hope 2016 is a great year in gaming!

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Update of the Year: Terraria 1.3
Early Access GotY: Ark: Survival Evolved
GotY Noms: Fallout 4 and The Witcher 3 I'd kinda like to nom. Legacy of the Void, but I've hardly played it, which will probably change soon.
I think it'd be cool if some of us made a post on the site talking about our favorite games that we've played this year. This includes games that are new or ages old.
Thanks Greg. I do plan on doing my own list.
Are we submitting single nominations for each category? If so, my nominations are:
Indie: Rocket League
AAA: Psych! I'm nominating The Talos Principle. Fallout 4 is epic, but it's practically the only AAA game I played this year, besides Destiny, which makes me feel kind of ashamed. I feel like I would nominate Bloodborne, if I had only played it :(. Maybe I'll go rent it tomorrow...
Update: Terraria, especially since it was my first time playing.
Triple A: Fallout 4
Indie: I was lacking in indie games this year.
Update: Terraria, Hearthstone
Mobile: Fallout Shelter, Hearthstone
Another Mobile nom: Crashy Road. No, not Crossy Road. That one got all the acclaim last year. :D
Oh! A nod for Mobile and Update: Monument Valley. It was released last year, but got DLC this year. Monument Valley is a masterpiece.
Witcher 3
SC2: Legacy of the Void
Fallout Shelter
Mario Maker
Grim Fandango: Remastered
BioShock Infinite (Linux port)
Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number
Crypt of the Necrodancer
Broken Age
Nuclear Throne
Every year GameFAQ's polls become a competition between games, people vote on which is better. Final Fantasy VII usually wins, or at least makes it to the end. This year it was defeated by Undertale. I downloaded the demo and briefly played it.
I've heard nothing but good things about Undertale.
Also I don't really pay attention to gamefaqs polls, because they're usually gamed heavily by whichever forum is more popular at the time.