"This is the new Doom on Ultra Nightmare difficulty, it is identical to a single segment Nightmare difficulty run, as in you cannot die. Should be the first completed Ultra Nightmare after game released, but let me know if someone did it earlier."
I haven't played it yet but I imagine new Doom's Ultra Nightmare mode isn't a cakewalk yet YouTuber Zero Master completed it in 4 hours and 43 minutes. Even more impressive considering if you die you have to start over. The video linked above shows off the impressive run and spoiler alert, it shows the whole game start to finish.
I haven't played it yet but I imagine new Doom's Ultra Nightmare mode isn't a cakewalk yet YouTuber Zero Master completed it in 4 hours and 43 minutes. Even more impressive considering if you die you have to start over. The video linked above shows off the impressive run and spoiler alert, it shows the whole game start to finish.

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That's nuts since the campaign is supposed to take about 13 hours to complete from what they've said. Not only did this guy faceroll through the whole thing in a really short time, he did it on Ultra Nightmare. Respect.