It seems that if you are a certain age gamer you grew up playing Doom. I remember downloading the shareware version off a BBS, playing it at night and have the sound and ambiance freak me out. The carnage and gameplay was incredible and I was hooked. I loved the shotgun and it was so satisfying reloading it and blowing demons away. I never did sit down and complete the entirety of the shareware version but I played the hell out of the game for many years. Later on as Doom became more popular I played it multiplayer with friends over our modems and on multi-node BBS's.
I also enjoyed Doom 2 and much later Doom 3. Whereas it's not very brave to say you like Doom 2, Doom 3 has a mixed reputation now yet I still stand by it. Doom 3 is a horror shooter that focuses on dark brooding gameplay and I find it very well done. I liked the more recent Doom 3 BFG Edition too but lamented that they made it easier and allowed you to turn on the flashlight while holding any gun. I felt the original Doom 3 making you choose between the flashlight or gun was a bold gameplay choice. You can either see in a dark room or shoot stuff. It created a ton of "oh shit" moments and again, was bummed Doom 3 BFG changed that.
When I heard iD was going to drop a new Doom game I was very excited. It looked like a proper return to form and some kind of retelling of the original Doom story. It looked like a departure from Doom 3, but I don't mind doing something different as we already have Doom 3.
Even though I didn't play it launch day, I have since remedied that and I can say that Doom is back and it's great. If you don't like violent shooters this game is a non-starter. Doom is so entirely comfortable being "that crazy insanely violent game" it takes that comfort to a new place. When I originally played Diablo 3 I was a bit shocked by some of the gore as certain areas can get very graphic and it was a bit surprising even to my 90's desensitized mind. Doom takes that gore and violence and kicks it into orbit. Don't get me wrong, the game isn't great because it's a bloody mess but it's unique in that it doesn't apologize for what it is and charges straight ahead chainsaws blazing.
Doom has been covered extensively as it has been very well received. If you are interested in a return to a simpler kind of shooter that focuses entirely on gameplay and intense combat, Doom is the game. I can't give a game much more praise than that I plan to complete it and that I look for more when iD gets around to it. And at this point I am curious what more plans iD has for more Doom content. The Season Pass seems 100% multiplayer focused something I am not interested in. Hopefully they take a page from the new Wolfenstein game and release a short game that is more of what people love. Hell they could go straight into new Doom 2 and I bet people would love it. I know I would.
I also enjoyed Doom 2 and much later Doom 3. Whereas it's not very brave to say you like Doom 2, Doom 3 has a mixed reputation now yet I still stand by it. Doom 3 is a horror shooter that focuses on dark brooding gameplay and I find it very well done. I liked the more recent Doom 3 BFG Edition too but lamented that they made it easier and allowed you to turn on the flashlight while holding any gun. I felt the original Doom 3 making you choose between the flashlight or gun was a bold gameplay choice. You can either see in a dark room or shoot stuff. It created a ton of "oh shit" moments and again, was bummed Doom 3 BFG changed that.
When I heard iD was going to drop a new Doom game I was very excited. It looked like a proper return to form and some kind of retelling of the original Doom story. It looked like a departure from Doom 3, but I don't mind doing something different as we already have Doom 3.
Even though I didn't play it launch day, I have since remedied that and I can say that Doom is back and it's great. If you don't like violent shooters this game is a non-starter. Doom is so entirely comfortable being "that crazy insanely violent game" it takes that comfort to a new place. When I originally played Diablo 3 I was a bit shocked by some of the gore as certain areas can get very graphic and it was a bit surprising even to my 90's desensitized mind. Doom takes that gore and violence and kicks it into orbit. Don't get me wrong, the game isn't great because it's a bloody mess but it's unique in that it doesn't apologize for what it is and charges straight ahead chainsaws blazing.
Doom has been covered extensively as it has been very well received. If you are interested in a return to a simpler kind of shooter that focuses entirely on gameplay and intense combat, Doom is the game. I can't give a game much more praise than that I plan to complete it and that I look for more when iD gets around to it. And at this point I am curious what more plans iD has for more Doom content. The Season Pass seems 100% multiplayer focused something I am not interested in. Hopefully they take a page from the new Wolfenstein game and release a short game that is more of what people love. Hell they could go straight into new Doom 2 and I bet people would love it. I know I would.

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I love how all the game mechanics incentivize getting into the action. Low on health? Get closer and smash a demon's head in! Low on ammo? Get close and cut a guy in half with the chainsaw!
One thing I generally dislike about cover shooters is the "hide to heal" mechanic. It just feels wrong for some reason to me.
I remember running a BBS. :)
I played Doom and Doom II. I don't think I played Doom III.
It's funny you mention the shotgun, because the Super Shotgun is my weapon of choice in the new game. I use it pretty much all the time. Yeah the BFG is awesome as are some of the other weapons, but I find myself sticking w/ the SS in most cases.
I'm not really into horror or shooter games. In fact, at first the new Doom didn't appeal to me. It looked like it had a bit too much blood and gore for my taste. Then, I watched some videos. I got this strong feeling that this was an awesome game and I should check it out. Luckily, I haven't been disappointed. I love it. Yeah, it is a bit bloody and such, but some how it doesn't bother me at all.
"Intense combat" is a great way to explain it. This game just seems to do everything extremely well. I'm playing it on Ultra settings and it's very sweet. It's quite flawless, except that it's crashed more than a few times. I also enjoy the story and the various secrets in each stage. I try to find them, but if I can't then I look it up on YouTube. I have no shame.
I went ahead and bought the Season Pass along with the game, before trying it. Some how I knew I'd enjoy it. That said, I'm interested to see what ID and Bethesda add to the game in the future.
I agree with Travis, I like how health and ammo replenishment takes place.
Something else that's cool is that there are upgrades you can get for your weapons and character. You can participate in Rune Trials, found in various levels, which are challenges that give great rewards when you accomplish them. The challenges aren't extremely difficult, but can still be challenging. Once you get a Rune, you can equip (up to 3) it. Then you can unlock more of it's potential by completing other challenges. So, the game is full of challenges, not just getting Steam Achievements.
Right now I think I'm at the end or very close to it. From what I saw on Steam, Campaign mode isn't very long, but you can extend it by searching for secrets and completing various challenges.
Oh a couple of things I forgot to mention. The soundtrack is awesome! I really love it. I'd like to get it if I can.
There are things that look and act like zombies, called "The Possessed". Don't waste your ammo on them. Use your pistol that has unlimited ammo or just go up to them and press "F" twice and you'll kill them.
One thing I don't like is how "F" is used to hit (melee) or do a Glory Kill and "G" is used for the chainsaw. I don't like it because I sometimes I hit the wrong key when trying to do a Glory Kill. I thought about switching it, but it's not too bad.
Earlier today, my game crashed for the 2nd and 3rd time. I had to turn off my PC to resume any functionality. I submitted 3 crash reports on Bethesda's support site. I also did some "Googling" and someone said turning V-Sync on helps. I also did a file verification on Steam, but nothing was wrong. I'm not sure if turning on V-Synch helped, because the game crashed a few more times after that. Although, those crashes just brought up the crash window and I didn't have to manually reboot my PC.
> One thing I generally dislike about cover shooters is the "hide to heal" mechanic. It just feels wrong for some reason to me.
I think it's a mechanic that works well in some games but I also don't mind health packs. I definitely feel that the "oh shit" moments are quicker in Doom because of it's health mechanics and I really like it for that.
> It's funny you mention the shotgun, because the Super Shotgun is my weapon of choice in the new game. I use it pretty much all the time. Yeah the BFG is awesome as are some of the other weapons, but I find myself sticking w/ the SS in most cases.
I haven't unlocked that stuff yet, but I am looking forward to it. The super shotgun in Doom 2 was incredible and I loved it but the first time I held the original Doom shotgun I was in love.
> I'm not really into horror or shooter games.
I am not into horror games at all. Well, truth be told I just haven't played many so it's possible i'd like them, I really don't know. I dug the horror aspect of Doom 3 though. Or maybe the "jump scares" and creepy parts. Loved that a lot it rode the line between serious and campy and I just eat that stuff up.
> I also enjoy the story and the various secrets in each stage. I try to find them, but if I can't then I look it up on YouTube. I have no shame.

Nah, we have shame we just value our time. Look, I have no problem wanting to find the secret level right away so I can jump in and play the original Doom levels in this engine. I know some people love spending hours pouring over that shit and unlocking everything. I really don't frankly I wish they'd just have them all unlocked I could play right now. But, you know, they didn't do that so I have to unlock them, which is fine. I just use a guide. I can live with myself for that.
> Oh a couple of things I forgot to mention. The soundtrack is awesome! I really love it. I'd like to get it if I can.
It's a very well made score and works well in the game to a point. With that, I don't find that the music amps me up as much as the gameplay and sound engineering. In fact, I bet just playing the game with music turned off might be better for me so I am going to try that. At times I dig the crazy metal electronic thing the game is doing and some times I really don't. Again, I find the score useful and well created I just don't always agree with the choices for each song and it rings hollow to me often.
Again, talent is there it's just not 100% my thing for each song. That said, I listen to some crazy hard hitting rock and metal so it's not like I want them to swap in Enya. That said, seriously though I bet she could make a dark song that would work well in the game as nutty as that may sound.
> There are things that look and act like zombies, called "The Possessed". Don't waste your ammo on them. Use your pistol that has unlimited ammo or just go up to them and press "F" twice and you'll kill them.
Yep. I love swinging to kill them. That said, I haven't found ammo to be a problem but maybe it's harder to come by in later levels?
> One thing I don't like is how "F" is used to hit (melee) or do a Glory Kill and "G" is used for the chainsaw. I don't like it because I sometimes I hit the wrong key when trying to do a Glory Kill. I thought about switching it, but it's not too bad.
Totally agree, super awkward. I am getting more used to it but it wasn't intuitive for me either.
I love the music. I found the full soundtrack on YouTube and have listened through it a couple of times. It makes me want to play.
Ammo really isn't a huge problem. I stuck mostly with that Super Shotgun and found plenty of ammo. Demons sometimes drop ammo, but you can always use the Chainsaw if you have enough gas.
Double jumping took some time for me to get used it. It felt odd at first, but I finally mastered it.
Anyway, I'm finished with the campaign. I haven't completed every achievement, but I got all the secrets. I finished all the Rune Trials and even the challenges to upgrade them. I did the same for weapons, upgraded all of them and completed their related Mastery challenges. I must admit, the old maps are hard! You're very limited when it comes to weapon and gear, plus you don't have Runes and everything else that really helps. I finally entered God mode and went through them. I think what makes them different is that they are in closed environments, hallways and such, while the new maps are wide open. I like the new stuff. This has been a really fun game to play.
> Ammo really isn't a huge problem.
Agreed. At least, hasn't been a problem yet. I welcome the impending ammo-pocalypse.
> Anyway, I'm finished with the campaign. I haven't completed every achievement, but I got all the secrets.
Congratulations on the accomplishment. I haven't been playing it due to the hot weather here. I need to knuckle down and kill some demons though. I miss it. :(
> I finally entered God mode and went through them.
I hadn't heard of this mode. Does it unlock when you beat the game? TELL ME MORE OF THIS GOD YOU SPEAK OF!
Type in "god" after hitting the tilde key (in game). Do it again to disable it. It's a console command.
Thanks. I'll try that. Too bad it's not IDDQD or IDKFA.
Those work, too, but I just typed "god" in the console, but here are other console commands.
iddqd - Toggles God-mode (still damageable by hazards). Causes Health to drain slowly at all times on Nightmare Difficulty.
idkfa - Gives the Doom Marine fully upgraded Health, Armor, and Ammo Capacity, as well as all unlockable Weapons, Weapon Mods (all fully upgraded), Suit Mods, and all available Suit Mod slots.
idfa - Gives player fully upgraded Armor, Health, and Ammo Capacity.
idka - Gives player all Weapon Mods, Weapons, and Weapon Mods are all fully upgraded.
ida - Gives the Doom Marine all Suit Mods and all Suit Mod slots.
iddt - Reveal all Secrets, items, and any unexplored areas of the map.
idgk - Toggle Glory Kills only. Makes all enemies immune to firearms and normal weapons, requiring player to kill them with Glory Kill animations.
I love that they are bringing back the old cheats. I just remembered those two from the original game and apparently they still work.
I think it's cool what they've named some of the achievements. One is called "IPXSETUP.EXE" which you get by playing a multiplayer game. Another is called "Shareware" which you get by downloading and playing some Snap Maps.
Hahaha IPX/SPX, goodbye Netware!
I totally remember ipxsetup.exe back in the day. Wow. I kinda miss the novelty of playing online but... I really don't miss the headaches.